The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]

The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]
RE: The Battle Royale S2 [Round 3: Endymion]
The Eccentric slammed on the door to nowhere, sucking on the severed stump of his foot and bellowing with uncharacteristic rage. Obviata, Goddess of Ugh Must We Spell This Out, offered a return to normalcy.

"The round hasn't ended."

And lo, the Goddess had spoken, and indeed, it was so. Endymion was still in the middle of cosmic fuckwhere, with no hint of a sun for the whole system to spin around. The Eccentric told the restless crowd to hold all horses, phones, and boiling pots, and slithered off to see what was what.

The Composer was out, was what was what. The wards gave way with the sound of someone kicking a hole through a cello, admitting one cosmic horror who clapped three hands in delight. Lots of screens. Keyboards (not even the musical kind). Very standard-issue, Ikea-for-Grandmasters fare. The Eccentric had been expecting a literal soundscape from the Composer, or anything really that didn't scream "Hey I just ascended into Local-Omnipotence City a month ago."

A wave of a tendril, and the screens all gyrated (you might suggest "cycled"; I assure you, they gyrated) through several shades of pink, before juddering angrily and returning to normal.


Turns out when some geriatric with a swordcane comes up and starts offering you duels, you should just stick a blade-limb in his face without agreeing to anything. Turns out these order-abiding upstarts can teach you a thing or two if you let them pick the rules of the game. On the bright side, cool scars! And the Composer had left this whole console arrangement anyway, so he could handle having all his most potently omnipotent bits sliced off.

He hit pause, pause, hit play, hit fast-forward then rewind then fast-forward than rewind, then paused again and tabbed out completely by accident to what must've been Composer's list of rounds. Eccentric summoned up a ceiling covered in paint, to spare himself the agony of reading through all of these. A couple blotches of heliotrope dripped on his carapace, and sizzled accusatorily. He groaned, scrolled through a bunch more while covering his face (his hand erupted in glass eyes) before seeing one that sounded partway tasteful.

It took a bit more futzing around (have you tried touch-typing when you've got functionally-infinite fingers?), but before long the contestants were on their way again.


Dawn broke on Burnination, bouncing off the highest towers of the Great Barrier High-Rise Complex. Kaiju and humans alike were making tracks for the mainland - the humans in high-speed ferries, the kaiju swimming or flying or (in the case of King Tua Mobula) showing off by breaking the surface and leaping over the waves.

The streets of Burnination itself were still quiet - the roads, wide enough to accommodate its citizens, made the place seem even more desolate. A couple vendors were opening up their stores, but there was no indication that this was anything but a regular old day.

No indication that today was the first day of filming of Burnination's biggest, Grandest, production in its illustrious history.

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RE: The Battle Royale S2 [Round 3: Endymion] - by Schazer - 03-05-2014, 05:04 AM
[No subject] - by Dragon Fogel - 12-12-2012, 02:38 AM