12-17-2013, 05:32 AM
6 People Who Turned a Life of Crime Into Legitimate Careers
GeneX (1) - Paranoia
Epamynondas (3) - ProfessorLizzard, Mister Visceral, Coldblooded
Mr. Arsenic Nog (1) - Cici
Abstaining: Agentblue, Airey, Akumu, Anomaly, SupahKiven, Chwoka, Crowstone, Epamynondas, GeneX, Dragon Fogel, Mr. Arsenic Nog, myw, Palamedes, Plaid, TehPilot, Whoosh, Jacqularis
6 Things That Shouldn't Explode (But Did Anyway)
ICan'tGiveCredit (1) - Mister Visceral
Abstaining: Agentblue, Airey, Akumu, Anomaly, SupahKiven, Chwoka, Crowstone, Coldblooded, Epamynondas, Paranoia, GeneX, Dragon Fogel, Cici, Mr. Arsenic Nog, myw, Palamedes, ProfessorLizzard, Plaid, TehPilot, Whoosh, Jacqularis
3 Medical Breakthroughs Discovered By Terrible Doctors
Crowstone takes Masterblade's bishie-as-fuck bones out of the working space! Crowstone gains a Masterblade Skeleton less one skull, Picked Clean
Coldblooded kicks the skull around, until an errant thwack launches it around the back of the HYDRAULICALLY SEALED CHAMBER.
Fogel arranges the flowers in an tube-shaped indentation on the console box labelled FOOD CHUTE. There's a bit of humming before the machine makes a "gwoomph" noise and swallows the lot.
Anomaly doesn't see much he can use to experiment on himself; the MEDICAL APPARATUS itself consists of a desk-sized CONSOLE, connected by a mess of tubing and cable bundled together to a HYDRAULICALLY SEALED CHAMBER and a RACK OF CONSUMABLES.
GeneX (1) - Paranoia
Epamynondas (3) - ProfessorLizzard, Mister Visceral, Coldblooded
Mr. Arsenic Nog (1) - Cici
Abstaining: Agentblue, Airey, Akumu, Anomaly, SupahKiven, Chwoka, Crowstone, Epamynondas, GeneX, Dragon Fogel, Mr. Arsenic Nog, myw, Palamedes, Plaid, TehPilot, Whoosh, Jacqularis
6 Things That Shouldn't Explode (But Did Anyway)
ICan'tGiveCredit (1) - Mister Visceral
Abstaining: Agentblue, Airey, Akumu, Anomaly, SupahKiven, Chwoka, Crowstone, Coldblooded, Epamynondas, Paranoia, GeneX, Dragon Fogel, Cici, Mr. Arsenic Nog, myw, Palamedes, ProfessorLizzard, Plaid, TehPilot, Whoosh, Jacqularis
3 Medical Breakthroughs Discovered By Terrible Doctors
Crowstone takes Masterblade's bishie-as-fuck bones out of the working space! Crowstone gains a Masterblade Skeleton less one skull, Picked Clean
Coldblooded kicks the skull around, until an errant thwack launches it around the back of the HYDRAULICALLY SEALED CHAMBER.
Fogel arranges the flowers in an tube-shaped indentation on the console box labelled FOOD CHUTE. There's a bit of humming before the machine makes a "gwoomph" noise and swallows the lot.
Anomaly doesn't see much he can use to experiment on himself; the MEDICAL APPARATUS itself consists of a desk-sized CONSOLE, connected by a mess of tubing and cable bundled together to a HYDRAULICALLY SEALED CHAMBER and a RACK OF CONSUMABLES.
peace to the unsung peace to the martyrs | i'm johnny rotten appleseed
clouds is shaky love | broke as hell but i got a bunch of ringtones
eyes blood red bruise aubergine | Sue took something now Sue doesn't sleep | saint average, day in the life of
woke up in the noon smelling doom and death | out the house, great outdoors
staying warm in arctic blizzard | that's my battle 'til I get inanimate | still up in the same clothes living like a gameshow
clouds is shaky love | broke as hell but i got a bunch of ringtones
eyes blood red bruise aubergine | Sue took something now Sue doesn't sleep | saint average, day in the life of
woke up in the noon smelling doom and death | out the house, great outdoors
staying warm in arctic blizzard | that's my battle 'til I get inanimate | still up in the same clothes living like a gameshow