"I didn't even know I was hungry" (The Food Appreciation Thread)

"I didn't even know I was hungry" (The Food Appreciation Thread)
RE: "I didn't even know I was hungry" (The Food Appreciation Thread)
Extremely fresh eggs will "spread" less than older eggs; you're likelier to get a crispy egg if it's an older one and it's spread itself out further across the pan.

If you want it properly cooked without having the hassle of trying to flip it, "over easy" entails putting a lid over the frying pan and letting the trapped heat cook them from the top down as well. This pretty reliably ensures the egg yolk's cooked right through without the base of the fried egg burning (provided your element's not on ridicu-hot).

Messages In This Thread
RE: "I didn't even know I was hungry" (The Food Appreciation Thread) - by Schazer - 08-01-2013, 11:52 AM