Aviary (birds birds)

Aviary (birds birds)
RE: Aviary (birds birds)
Birds birds birds

I went to Travis Wetlands (again) with obliging gentleman friend; remembered to take my camera this time. (incredihuge images under spoilers yo)

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Scaups are my favourite kind of duck. They dive and forage on the river/pond/swampbed! I was making frustrated noises for over twenty minutes trying to video them diving.

[Image: 9303529035_f3747cf418_z.jpg]Little Shags/Little Pied Cormorants. Their plumage is quite variable, but you can always tell a shag by the way it rests with its wings outstretched as if it's airing them out.

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Waxeyes aren't swamp birds, but the replanting around the wetlands features lots of cabbage trees. I saw a couple of flocks of these feeding on whatever fruit/seeds they could still scrounge in midwinter.

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Probably my best photo I took that day. Pukekos/purple swamphens are a pretty common sight around Christchurch; they forage on grass so they were one of a handful of species that actively benefited from European settlement.

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You look that sucker in the (sadly not-as-well-photographed) face and tell it its grandfather wasn't a dinosaur.

We went to the beach afterward! By which I mean we went to the pier because neither of us really wanted to trek a whole lot of sand everywhere for the rest of the day. For some reason I took, like, forty photos of the two types of gull that frequent the area.

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Red-billed gulls are the smaller seabird. Southern black-backed gulls (aka Kelp Gulls, Domincan Gulls, or Karoro) look positively majestic by comparison, which is probably in part because they don't squabble over discarded food.

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These two obliged me slowly inching towards them for ten minutes or so. I could hear a girl behind me asking her mother what kind of bird that was - I really should've clarified that it wasn't an albatross and I'm the kind to be easily fixated by otherwise-mundane things, but I had a photographic golden hour to be making the most of.

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Burd feet

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Uncomfortably close for everyone involved. The bright red spot on the underside is to encourage nestlings to tap it, invoking a regurgitatory reflex in the parent. Fish dinners!

Messages In This Thread
Aviary (birds birds) - by OTTO - 05-02-2009, 05:33 AM