Aquitillan Lexicon (A Collaborative Worldbuilding Game)

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Aquitillan Lexicon (A Collaborative Worldbuilding Game)
Aquitillan Lexicon (A Collaborative Worldbuilding Game)
Welcome, everyone, to Lexicon! For those of you new to the concept, it's basically a game where we as a group make a piecemeal wiki for a fictional world of our own creation. It's a lot of fun, very creative, and none-too-demanding: you can make an article one week, but if you're too busy the next, just sit out. You can join at any time, even after the game has started, and leave just as easily.

For the purposes of the game, each of you is a scholar working to add to the sum of Aquitillan knowledge through the creation of this repository of information. What kind of place is Aquitilla? Who asked you all to work on it and why? Who are you? All that is up to you and your fellow scholars, to define bit by bit as you add to the wiki. The original concept of the game was developed by Neel Krishnawimi, and you can find it laid out in his own words here.

The world (or universe, or country; whatever the players define "Aquitilla" as) is gradually created as we write our articles; play progresses in week-long turns: each turn, every participating scholar writes an article the title of which begins with a particular letter. We begin at A and progress one a turn until we hit Z, then loop back to A (if we're still playing).

To make sure our world is consistent and interconnected, there are a couple of requirements for your articles: except on the first turn, each must link to at least 1 existing article. Additionally, you will be creating 2 phantom articles each turn: phantom articles are simply articles that have yet to be written, created by adding links to non-extant pages within your article.

The most important thing to remember is that everything already written is entirely true! Your fellow scholars may be petty jerks, biased and agenda-driven, or even plain stupid, but they have their professional pride and would never add an untrue fact to the wiki. As such, anything in any article must be assumed to be correct: you cannot change that article to change the facts, and you may not write contradictory facts in future articles. Interpretations of those facts, however, are fair game: if someone says "And in the year 889, Bungabunga went to war with Kaztopia", then went to war they did; however, if someone says "And in the year 889, Bungabunga went to war with Kaztopia because King Bunga's nephew was assassinated", then you're free to argue "Actually, the war was more motivated by Kaztopia's wealth of cherryberries; the assassination was largely unrelated and was in fact performed by a Bungian".

Play is pretty simple and governed by 8 rules:


As this game is wiki-based, we obviously need a wiki. Ours is here!

The game will start Saturday, and each turn will last a week; during that week, feel free to write your article at any time. As I said, don't worry about playing one turn and not the next; if you don't have time, or your grandma suddenly keels over, we understand! However, try not to dibs an article if you won't be able to finish it; it's just cleaner that way. Still, the unexpected happens, and nobody will be too mad if you don't get it done.

I'm not going to keep a playerlist, since people are free to come and go, but I will keep a handy reference of phantoms here:


Messages In This Thread
Aquitillan Lexicon (A Collaborative Worldbuilding Game) - by SleepingOrange - 01-27-2012, 11:52 PM