The Grand Battle II! [Happy End!]

The Grand Battle II! [Happy End!]
Re: The Grand Battle II! [Round 6:Doomish Temple!]
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

What is this place?

Neither golem or cavern answered, instead deciding Vyrm'n wouldn't take back the noisy grime. It rotated smoothly, feet not shifting, and lumbered out the way the two had entered. Nonplussed, the shadow snaked after it, catching up and tapping it on its boulder of a head.

Are you there?

Vyrm'n loomed curiously over the creature, which would've stood just under Maxwell's shoulder. It ignored the Faceless' prodding and trudged over beside a pit trap Vyrm'n had set off; peering into the bed of spikes, it tossed the ball of filth it was carrying into the pit, and with a scooping motion filled the pit from the bottom up. The rock flowed smoothly, the golem kicking at the flawless surface in a rather disconsolate way. It might've been the ominous, glacial creaks, but it didn't seem too happy.

The shadow at its side gave up vying for the creature's attention, and instead decided to just listen again. And again, that effusion of gold illuminated the crypt, leaving Vyrm'n feeling even blacker and sullen and contrary just by virtue of being there. Glancing around for any sort of discrepancy, that... cube of rock which the trap had occupied felt off. Vyrm'n couldn't place it, but judging by the way the golem had reacted, she had to hazard... that wasn't how it was meant to be. This creature, which in the Faceless' mind was analogous to the spirit or core or rudimentary soul of the temple itself, she still couldn't pin down which, never intended to drive away intruders. Perhaps it never expected any.

And yet, it didn't seem alarmed or surprised by Vyrm'n at all. Perversely, it knew just how to restore her. The Faceless would've been all too happy to shrug it off as coincidence, but too many discrepancies screamed out. If it didn't want the traps, why had it not gotten rid of them sooner? Why was it helping her? Why wasn't it speaking? What are we supposed to do here?


Where are the others? Vyrm'n didn't spot the golem's blank stare as it focused upon her. It sighed with a dusty kind of whoomph, lowered its gaze, and stumped over to the doorway where it laboriously picked up the scattered arrowheads. A rocky paw rubbed at the patch of wall, opposite the arrow-trap, which was pockmarked with the missiles; the creature gave a sharp, frustrated crack. Vyrm'n warily approached it, that star-specked mannequin-limb of a hand reaching out and clasping the golem's shoulder.

I need to find the others... I need to find Maxwell.

The beast was motionless. Vyrm'n slipped away, back toward the octagonal chamber. The creature's hand lowered slowly, and the golem descended smoothly into the floor.


Konka Rar chose not to immediately reply to the schrotgolem. With as much of a look of loathing as he could muster in his lone, soulless eye, the lich picked up his staff with a slow deliberation before walking over to retrieve his jaw. There was an unpleasant crack as he shoved it back in place, before he continued icily,

"How do you intend to defeat this... Observer, then?"

The charcoal drifted pensively over the rock for a moment, before scribbling out,

though our means of detection deviate in the end we are both aware in these caverns

there is some considerable force coalesced condensed

i sorely doubt the observer would hand us the tools to end him yet he tantalises us with this

somehow he knows a way he can see if only we knew how that we may turn this against him

"What," snapped Konka, "did you think I was doing? Trying to locate the untold riches of whatever forsaken god whose temple we've been tossed into? I hardly need a walking trash-heap to hand me orders."


that antagonism

it is what the observer and his ilk thrive on as they laugh above us

dragged once from your home to fulfil their sick desire dragged again from your battle at their whim when they thought you could serve their need for merriment better


my intent is not to anger you can you not see that is what i want to avoid i am tired of entertaining these madmen directly or not

The lich, whose staff had been raised in preparation for a violent curse, lowered.

"What do you suggest, th-"

Gestalt's consciousness casually flicked around as Vyrm'n oozed back into the central octagonal chamber, forcing her way through under a partially collapsed doorway; a light brush was all the schrotgolem needed to know the Faceless was back to its more placid self. The necromancer watched with some fascination as the starry mass moved in a way that could only logically equate to standing up, accepting the handle off some tool from the golem, and proceeded to do nothing else for a good minute or so. Konka was about to ask what just happened, when the black dust on the floor leapt up, mashed itself together, and let the schrotgolem write anew.

the faceless describes a beast which it insists - there was a long pause as Gestalt attempted to parse Vyrm'n's thoughts - is the temple

perhaps this warrants investigation

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Re: The Grand Battle II! [Round 6:Doomish Temple!] - by Schazer - 08-17-2010, 12:13 PM
Re: The Grand Battle II! [Happy End!] - by GBCE - 11-17-2012, 12:21 PM