The Grand Battle II! [Happy End!]

The Grand Battle II! [Happy End!]
Re: The Grand Battle II! [Round 5: Value City Mall!]
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Vyrm'n tensed, but was unused to the inertia of her new hybrid state, and only half-slipped out of the lunging Vexmagog's path. Dextrous digits gripped the receding black, swung around with a blank-eyed grin fixed in an expression of twisted malice, and the satyr punched the shadow with all its mindless fury. Raging, burning violet shrieked as it tore effortlessly through the Faceless. She didn't even have the time to yield; Magog's reality-warping fury simply carving through Vyrm'n's heart, the matter unable to stay silent in proximity to such an awful, chaotic tone. The Faceless was paralysed with the shock, the zombie sliding its arm out of the darkness as though it were the mere absence of light, and not a solid, pain-filled creature.

Between the pain not even Conscience could block out, and the twisted aura of the chaos god tearing reality asunder around her, Vyrm'n finally felt ready to concede to death. The world was fading as the black-hearted protector shut out more of the pain, more of everything, but Magog's nightmarish changes to reality were seeping into the cracks in the Faceless' mind - walls melting; the faces of Vyrm, Cabaret, countless others she'd slaughtered, craning their way out of the warp; their agonized moans tortuously filling the air, which stunk of ozone and iron; the only sight burnt into fading vision the sickly crawl of purple and coal up and around Vex's slashed, mangled torso.

"Approaching lifeforms. Unknown lifeform currently presents no interference to the cleansing. Known lifeform has previously proven hindrance to the cleansing. Initiating aggressive maneuvers to terminate known lifeform."

Vyrm'n was too preoccupied with the questing tendrils of Magog's insanity trying to skewer her mind, to hear the crescendoing hum, or the sharp retort of a pistol. She felt with a merciful cessation of the waves of madness, rather than saw, Vexmagog leaving her side to confront the vacuum cleaner. The sparking violet had clawed its way up Vex's furred face, charring it as it went. He could only manage an angry, animal snarl at the vacuum, before it intoned,

"Deploying Units VC-01 to VC-20 to assist with the cleansing." More vacuum cleaners, far less anachronistic than the one which spoke, rocketed out of Electromagic. Some charged out of the hardware store, brandishing power tools. They picked and harried at Vexmagog; a coordinated swarm unfaltering even when one of their number was seized with an indigo claw and tossed into their midst with a casing melted to iron-hard needles to show for its trouble. While the automatons kept the savage amalgam at bay, Eximo trundled up to a still-prone Vyrm'n, its unblinking robotic eye indifferent to whether she was staring back.
"Unknown lifeform will be requested to vacate the area immediately for cleansing. Failure to do so will result in termination. Hail Konka Rar!"

Vexmagog had vacated the area for long enough that the accumulated madness had had a chance to disperse, but Vyrm'n still saw Eximo's command come from the mouth of some terrible abomination. Shifting uneasily, tentatively filling up the hole Magog had carved in her, the Faceless needed no second invitation. She leapt in the air (a little awkwardly, her lack of balance caused by the unexpected loss of mass) and fled the section of the mall. The breeze whisked away the last of the mad shroud, and cleared Vyrm'n's thoughts.

You're fading away, Faceless. You could have killed that madbeast without effort. What stopped you?

... the faces

You feel guilt for that now, Vyrm'n? What's wrong with you? Vyrm'n didn't want to say it, though realised her consciousness and this one's were so bound, it almost went without saying. Almost.


... What has he done for you? Shackled you. Branded and shamed you for something you found natural. Bound you, in his righteousness, to an ideal even he can not uphold.

...? They were cruising over the four-way intersection; Gestalt was fighting some monstrous, tentacled horror. The Faceless went right.

He killed, Vyrm'n. Maxwell Deakin slew the Karmist.

you're lying

Ask him, then. It's worth only your freedom.

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Re: The Grand Battle II! [Sign-ups!] - by Schazer - 10-02-2009, 07:11 PM
Re: The Grand Battle II! [Sign-ups!] - by GBCE - 10-02-2009, 07:21 PM
Re: The Grand Battle II! [Round 5: Value City Mall!] - by Schazer - 05-24-2010, 09:40 AM
Re: The Grand Battle II! [Happy End!] - by GBCE - 11-17-2012, 12:21 PM