The Grand Battle II! [Happy End!]

The Grand Battle II! [Happy End!]
Re: The Grand Battle II! [Round 2: Destructo World!]
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

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Vyrm'n navigated the maze of mirrors without too much trouble, having no eyes to be disoriented by the thousand warped shadows that were Vyrm'n's reflections.

It heard a crash of breaking glass, turned another corner, and saw Samuel nursing an ankle which had been cut open by a wall of glass falling upon him. The Karmist was muttering angrily, glancing into the mirrors at all the reflections of Vyrm'n, trying to find the real one. He looked up one Vyrm'n-filled corridor, and found the piece of night standing there. His face unintentionally twisted into a furious scowl at the Faceless' appearance. This was the one that had cost him a whole world of life to make his own...

The Faceless simply watched Samuel warily, its form perhaps a little tenser than normal but otherwise looking its usual unfathomable, star-speckled best. The two simply stood off for a while, until finally the Karmist spoke up.

"Vermin," Samuel almost spat the word out. "Apt." The Faceless made no response. Samuel grinned with a snide air, like he was letting the Faceless in on some kind of joke. "Your... signature. Makes no sense to me. You're... most certainly alive, without a doubt, yet the balance of potential life..." Even Vyrm'n picked up on how close Samuel was to tacking on "potential death" to that line- "It's... unstructured. Incorrect." Vyrm'n shifted slightly but visibly, without a physical connection for a being as defined as Samuel any response was beyond the Faceless' abilities.

In honesty, the nature of the Faceless' mortality was hard for the Karmist to place. Beneath the starry countenance existed a duality or sorts; the facade of the personality that was Vyrm'n barely covered, to Samuel's perception, the existence of a nigh-infinite void. The void was what intrigued the Karmist most; though the Faceless did a good job of keeping it hidden even Samuel could sense a timelessness to it, a boundless neutrality which was neither life nor death.
Although Samuel could sense the inertness of this infinity, Samuel felt something off about it that left him slightly ill-at-ease around the Faceless.

Samuel exhaled quietly, as though the engima which was the Faceless was too much to fathom for the time being; then glanced down at the crimson flood which was his leg. Smiling at the Faceless again with cold, callous eyes, the Karmist said, "Still, you'll do," and began gently trying to balance out the infinity between himself and the Faceless; partly to see what would happen.

At first Samuel thought it must not be happening; the Faceless made no indication that it sensed its life draining away from it. Perhaps it was for the better that he'd chosen just to take a little, rather than try drain the whole Faceless at once.
Looking down at his leg, Samuel was even more puzzled to see the gash closing, the blood siphoning away, even his shoe and trouser leg shedding themselves of the red. He had only a few moments to examine this before Samuel felt a hand on his shoulder.

Glancing up, the Karmist stared all the way up the imposing bulk of the Faceless as the shadow towered over him. He hadn't heard it sneak up on him, though in the gloom of the unlit tent perhaps that was slightly understandable. Samuel heard the Faceless' voice in his mind. When looking back on it later, the Karmist hatefully remembered its voice sounded happy, almost cajolling. There was definitely a cheerful laugh to it. Samuel felt like killing it.

Mr. Therion... now, how could I hear the song of life and matter, if I all I always had was my own in my ears?

The Karmist had little time to ponder that; before the Faceless' hand grabbed his shoulder a little tighter, and Vyrm'n brought its bulk rushing down on Samuel's forehead with its signature headbutt. Vyrm'n felt the tug on the void slope away as Samuel keeled over, unconscious.

Satisfied that the fairground would now be a little safer to wander, Vyrm'n leapt elegantly over Samuel's prone form and headed out the way the Karmist had entered. Leaping into the sky, the Faceless danced upwards until it swirled several times above the doom drop, before letting gravity do its thing and landing on the top platform with a crash-splash. Twenty floors above the ground, Vyrm'n reformed itself and settled down to listen to what the world told it.


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Re: The Grand Battle II! [Sign-ups!] - by GBCE - 10-02-2009, 06:28 PM
Re: The Grand Battle II! [Sign-ups!] - by Schazer - 10-02-2009, 07:11 PM
Re: The Grand Battle II! [Sign-ups!] - by GBCE - 10-02-2009, 07:21 PM
Re: The Grand Battle II! [Round 2: Destructo World!] - by Schazer - 10-09-2009, 08:14 PM
Re: The Grand Battle II! [Happy End!] - by GBCE - 11-17-2012, 12:21 PM