The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 3 - Oxbow Inc.)
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Krad frowned a little as Vex cut off the transmission. He was perfectly happy to follow the orders coming from the walkie-talkie, but it took the Yagg a good moment to figure out what those orders were, precisely. An uhn-i-dentee-fied creature, especially one as weird as the boss-man had described, certainly sounded like trouble. It was the kind of trouble that left the security special-est a bit worried, but not as worried as the thought of what one of the bosses would say.

Seeing as the boss-bird hadn't said what to do with the beast, the Yagg rather naively decided it was a chance to be pro... pro-ac-tiff. Yeah. The boss-men didn't have to spell out how Krad should hit things over the head; they trusted him to do that right himself! They were trusting him to be pro-ac-tiff here as well, and deal with the creature. With a grin, he hefted his club with pride, and stomped off for the construction site.

It was down in the base of the complex, and Krad couldn't see the site even from his higher vantage point, thanks to a large storehouse. A metal tunnel, with enough room for even Krad to walk through, was attached to the back of this warehouse and climbed steeply up the tiers toward the Yagg's current location, and extended even further up. Although there was no way in, it had stairs to the bottom on the side of it, and the security special-est was presently stomping down these.

About halfway down, a blood-curdling shriek made Krad pause. A roar of pain, which triggered a nasty sense of recognition, got the Yagg going a little faster.

The stairs stopped a fair distance from the rear wall of the warehouse, while the transport tunnel bent at meeting ground zero and continued into the building. Krad stood in the courtyard for a moment, catching his breath, when the uhn-i-dentee-fied creature came careening round the corner.

It was hissing and spitting angrily behind it as it galloped toward the startled security guard, but true to his job, Krad acted pro-ac-tiff-ly. He raised his head-hitter, and put it to good use.

Sen didn't even see it coming - one moment he was doing his best to spit solid hatred at the guard he'd just fled from, the next there was a crunching sensation on the side of his head before the Tender slammed into the warehouse wall in a crumpled heap. Another Yagg followed round the corner in pursuit, as Krad cautiously approached. A clear ooze was slowly leaking from under the creature's head, and its lower jaw looked like it didn't match up properly with the rest of its mouth. The long, sharp claws the boss had mentioned were twitching a little, as the beast groaned feebly and tried to lift its head.

Guft was even warier at approaching Sen than his colleague was. It only took a glance for Krad to see why - the Yagg's left eye was a puffy mess, the brow bearing a nasty gash. His face bore several more scratches, and he'd dropped his club somewhere to better staunch the blood from a nasty bite in his right arm.

"What happened?"

"Bit me, so I punched it. Then it run." The two of them continued to simply watch the struggling Tender for a moment.

"Now what?"

"Kill it?" Krad shrugged. It seemed as good an idea as any. Sen made a sad creaking noise as Guft moved in with his club.

"W-wait!" A voice barked from the walkie-talkie. It wasn't one Krad had heard before, but he switched it on anyway. He asked the mystery man why.

"Uh... take it somewhere secure, instead. Make sure it can't escape."

Krad, perplexed, studied the device for a moment before shrugging and pinning it back to his sash.

"What was that?" asked Guft. He still had his club raised.

Krad shrugged again, a little more helplessly. "I dunno. They said maybe escape? They had a strange accent. Hard to tell." Guft made a an exasperated noise.

Steven swore to himself when the Yagg cut off with no reply, and leapt up a pile of crates to look out the window at the arguing pair. The white dot of the left glove was nearly visible atop the transport tunnel, but Steven was more concerned with the ramifications of a contestant having its brains crushed to a pulp, even if it was the one contestant which arguably didn't even have one. He flicked through the frequencies a little more frantically, until he got some incomprehensible, birdlike chattering.

"Um... hello?"

Vex frowned at the receiver, then ventured an avian "Yerss?" as he cycled through the various views the security system offered him of Oxbow.

Steven nearly dropped his walkie-talkie in relief, then got a better grip on it as he saw Guft shove Krad out of the way so he could get a proper swing in.
"Uh, down by a construction site at the base, there's two trolls or something, I dunno, but I think they're going to kill the green, uh... thing they knocked out there. Can- can you make them stop?"

Vex, still trawling the footage, was silent while he figured out his next course of action. Steven, misinterpreting it as complete confusion, continued,
"Just, please... we've got important business here and if he dies we... well, we need to make the most of this."

"Understood," chirped Vex, shutting off the connection and buzzing the trolls.

Krad's walkie-talkie beeped a second time. The two Yagg looked at each other, Guft with his club raised. Krad answered it with a little more trepidation.

"Did you not get your orders? Take the creature to... a containment facility. Do not kill it, but well done on a solid effort. Make sure at least one of you is guarding it at all times. Understand?"

"Yes sir," replied Krad, pleased at a job well done. Guft tried not to look too disappointed as he helped his colleague heft the unwieldy beast. The two carried Sen the short distance to the now-open doors to the transport tunnel, dropping him on the floor of the cargo vehicle and waiting for their ride back to the upper levels.

Steven, from his window, watched the scene with a sigh of relief as the glove of destruction hopped off the top of the tunnel, and soared back to him. The traveler was about ready to relax, the main interruption eliminated, when his walkie-talkie beeped.

"Query. Who is this and what is your business here?"

"I- uh-" the left glove took Steven's panic as a chance to grab the walkie-talkie and rapidly destroy it into nothing. Considering how tired he was feeling, the journeyman sort of wished his tempermental tool hadn't done that.

Now, hopefully Vex is free of distractions, and can find a way out of here.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 3 - Oxbow Inc.) - by Schazer - 09-03-2010, 10:26 AM
[No subject] - by Ixcaliber - 03-10-2013, 04:51 AM