The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe)
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Sen let himself relax a little as the glove beat a retreat. The rhythmic pulse of the World Tree growing beneath his feet, steadily sonorous, calmed the Tender. Glancing over at Wolf, Sen noted his ally was handling the appearance of a monstrous tree rather well; navigating the new terrain of roots without too much trouble. The Tree was at least three- no, four metres tall now, with a trunk nearly a metre thick.

Vexmagog's refrain fluted through the colony. Sen had never heard music before, but this reminded him of the complex exultations of birds. The pitch grated at Sen's hearing, making the Tender tchlick-snarl with irritation. Wolf howled back in a tone Sen read as proud defiance; which was a nice sentiment, but all the noise was starting to get on the Tender's nerves.

Sen strode over the roots and prepared to cuff Wolf over the head, but he stopped before the Tender reached him. The grey beast glanced up at the approaching green one, and couldn't help but think Sen looked much more dangerous. The Tender's mouth was fixed in a face-splitting half-snarl, and the World Tree was now climbing for the sun at a visible rate. Because of the curved nature of the ground, it looked like it was bearing down on them, looming over the approaching Sen.

Wolf wasn't sure what the Tender wanted, but could tell it was agitated. The twitching crests indicated it might've been the music, but Wolf understandably was struggling in gauging the alien's external emotions. Fingers rapping agitatedly against bark, head twitching as if to dislodge an insistent fly, Wolf followed Sen's eyes to the next root over. To Wolf's concern, the bark was rippling as though something alive was struggling beneath it.

A sapling tore through the thick root-bark, and started spreading its own blast zone of more appropriately-sized roots around it as it grew at a frenetic pace. Wolf looked around the clearing of roots that radiated out from the main tree, and saw several more springing up. Sen was turning the whole park into a forest - but a forest composed of a single plant.

Sen refocused on Wolf. The Tender no longer possessed its former calm demeanour; in fact, a constant stream of clicks and snarls poured from its mouth as it stalked through the rapidly developing grove. Hissing in an irksome manner at poor Wolf, the Tender returned to the base of the central tree, and grabbed a low-lying branch before pulling himself into the canopy of the behemoth. From his vantage point, the Tender surveyed the mess of roots. The music finally, thankfully, ceased; but Sen was working himself into a frenzy which spurred on the Tree beneath his digits. Most of the park had been carpeted over with thick roots now, and the Tree had finally found the main exit and was carving up the roads.

Sen snickered, and shifted the allocation of growth within the burgeoning network. Moments later, a sapling burst out from the middle of the road.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe) - by Schazer - 02-01-2010, 06:35 PM
[No subject] - by Ixcaliber - 03-10-2013, 04:51 AM