The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe)
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.


Sen skipped along the crests of the roots exposed at the World Tree's base. Thicker than the slender beast which had raised it, and nearly tall enough for him to strut beneath its leaves without hitting his head. Most of the grass was gone, now, either churned up in the mess caused by a marauding root, or persuaded by Sen to empty the ballast and succumb to wilting, irreversible plasmolysis. Every footfall onto a sturdy root overloaded the Tender's brain with feedback from the Tree; a rushing wealth of information that each time, for the time taken for one neural leap, let Sen be the World Tree. The curious, finger-tapping jig which the glove mistakenly considered as agitation instead provided Sen with a pulsing, heart-beat image of the local terrain.

It told him where barriers to growth there were, and how obstructive they would be. The stone foundations of the park fence were one, but minor compared to some hulking metal structure beneath the fountain, under the ground. Disconcertingly, some fresh reports were coming in that there was an extensive source of metal right beneath the tree, leaching its toxins into the ground. The order to spread rushed through the root system, gravity no longer a powerful directive for the World Tree's roots. Instead, more of them started to tackle the fence's foundations, the revebrations as the concrete grated against the roots travelling up to the now thoroughly concerned glove.

Sen was not keen on having more delays. Loping along one root before leaping to another in the Glove's direction, not having to touch ground until by the fence, the Tender tick-clicked a warning to the entity before digging his claws into the soil.

For a moment, nothing happened, save for the graunching of root on underground stone ceasing. Then from a furrow in the earth, which signified a root previously carving that same path below the surface, sprung more thin, pale, glowing shoots. As they lashed up the bars and started to thicken in an attempt to bend the iron, the Glove decided to take its leave. This really was more than what one glove could be expected to handle on its own. Sen snickered a little victory cry, and returned to pacing around the main trunk. Its growth had slowed a little while Sen had drifted further off, but now it was starting to get large enough that the Tender's influence seemed to have little effect on the rate of growth.

Black eyes stared up through the leaves, searching for something but failing to spot it. Undeterred, Sen crouched at the World Tree's foot and stared across the city.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe) - by Schazer - 01-29-2010, 09:08 AM
[No subject] - by Ixcaliber - 03-10-2013, 04:51 AM