The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe)
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.


Sen's ear-gill-appendages twitched at Wolf's crooning growl. He stiffened a little as the canine approached, but some instinctive understanding kicked in that his ally was going to help tend to the World Tree.

He must not be of this world, Sen mused as the tangle of grass obstructing Wolf shrivelled away to let him through. Why he wanted to assist, though, Sen had no idea. It was almost certainly not for food, so... The Tender's thoughts seemed to scatter just as they were forced to coagulate, and he stopped worrying about it.

Wolf appraised the seedling, which only moments previously had qualified as more of a sprout on the scale of plant size. It was already as tall as Sen's lengthy fingers, and with leaves sprouting out every which way to take in the light. As Wolf leaned in closer to determine the faintly glowing plant's smell, a bud burst right in front of his nose in a verdant, leafy bouquet.

The wolf sprung back with surprise at this, and spotted the floating glove. His growl alerted the Tender, who shuffled around to also examine the disembodied hand. Sen bared his innumerable rows of needle-like teeth and snarled at the glove, fingers digging into the earth as he stood his ground against the interloper. The glove noticed something slithering through the grass beneath it, and decided the iron fence would be an equally good place to study the Tender and wolf from.

As it drifted off, Sen felt two things happen. They were rather related to each other, but the fact the glove had disappeared at the same time was coincidence. The first was an inaudible groan, and a surge in soil moisture beneath Sen's feet. Second was the disconsolate gurgle as the fountain's water supply was carved up by the rapacious, swift-growing roots of the World Tree.

Wolf, sensitive to shifts in the aural wallpaper of the battlefield, immediately noticed the fountain's malfunction, and loped over to examine it, sniffing round its base and scratching at a hatch which may've led somewhere had Wolf been in possession of some opposable thumbs. Sen offered no explanation, continuing to watch the glove with mistrust he did not even bother to disguise. The World Tree just kept growing. It was up to Sen's elbow, now, and averaged at least four inches diameter in the trunk; though its base had its roots all spreading like feet - a miniature homage to mighty, ancient giants of the forest.

The glove tapped its fingers thoughtfully against the ringingly responsive iron bars, when it felt a tremor resonating up their length. Something was furiously making tracks underground, and it wasn't just at this point. The ground in a twenty metre radius around the Tender was bucking and heaving. The tree had grown another foot, and Sen paid it little attention while the Glove had him so fixated.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe) - by Schazer - 01-27-2010, 09:55 AM
[No subject] - by Ixcaliber - 03-10-2013, 04:51 AM