The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe)
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Sen arrived at the park. It was surrounded on all sides by iron fences tipped with fleur-de-lyses. The Tender could've taken the more circuitous route and found the main entrance, but instead he took a small run-up and soared through the air.

Lanky fingers grasped the iron tops of the bars and offered a final push to let the glowing beast clear the fence. Sen landed with a few huge strides which flowed swiftly into a roll. Standing up and stretching to full height, the Tender rallied its ally, not really stopping to consider how Wolf was going to navigate the barrier.

. Follow.

Having completed the leadership portion of his current task, Sen dug his claws in to get a feel for the soil, other senses taking in other important factors such as available light; space; air humidity, composition, and temperature.

Oh yes, this was much better. Things were positively thriving here, and it made Sen feel a bit giddy just taking it all in. Wasting no time, the Tender's fingers gripped the soil a little tighter, and dug a little deeper. A chunk of turf was wrenched from beneath Sen, who leveraged the clod out and tossed it aside before really starting to dig.

The Tender was not interrupted by a non-piercing, but thoroughly audible wail that came from most of the streetlamps in the suburb. Wolf heard it, but was quickly informed to its meaning when the region of the bubble Sen and Wolf were in darkened as the fake sun emitted a perfectly calibrated puff of fog. The mist coalesced somewhere above them and showered the park in a fresh sprinkle of rain. Sen tasted it through his skin; it had more contaminants than were really ideal, but then again most of this strange world did. He kept up his feverish digging.

While Wolf had made one failed leap to clear the gate, then walked all the way round the block to find the park entrance and then locate Sen by a rose garden, the Tender had excavated a tidy hole about a foot deep and just big enough to fit a rockmelon in. Sen scratched at the base of this pit to loosen the soil, then glanced around instinctively for prying eyes.

Finding none, Sen's dirt-caked fingertips began to glow a brighter, more lurid green. Crouching on one hand again, the Tender's digits reached into their own stomach, and emerged, still glowing, with a nondescript brown pod balanced on the tips. It met a slight resistance, as Sen finally pulled it out of the surface tension which qualified as Tender skin; before it rested, clean and unblemished, if unremarkable, in his grip.

Sen wasted no time admiring the slumbering World Tree, foremost in his simplistic mind was the precognitive sense of impending hunger, which he knew would come while he had no means of satiating it if he did not hurry. The pod was dropped unceremoniously into its cradle, and swaddled up in specially formulated lawn mix.

The Tender was wordlessly watching the spot when Wolf finally found him; Sen's only response was Hrruuuf. Snapping out of some sort of reverie, the green giant walked to the fountain to clean his fingers and take a drink.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe) - by Schazer - 01-24-2010, 07:15 AM
[No subject] - by Ixcaliber - 03-10-2013, 04:51 AM