The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)

The Battle Majestic (Round 4 - Magpie Skies)
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe)
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.


Sen made his loping way down off the rooftops, finally reaching ground zero after scrabbling down an architecturally flamboyant sloped facade of some cultural building; perhaps an art gallery or conservatorium. Thin scratches now marred the previously unblemished face of the builing, terminating about three metres from the ground in ten points in the glass from which cracks stemmed, spiderweb-like, across the safety glass.

Sen chirruped again over the fountain's serene spluttering, alerting Vexmagog and Jacob to the Tender's arrival in the town square. The beast trotted across the deserted road, onto the manicured lawn, apparently ignoring the pair.

Vexmagog was about to respond to Jacob's offer, when Sen's trilling reached his ears, halting the reply. Turning, the trickster god was about to call out to the Tender, when Jacob interrupted.

"Hold on. It'd be worth seeing how much 'trouble' that beast is."

The troublesome beast in question was speculatively sniffing the grass, before taking a sizeable mouthful of it, and exacting further analysis as he meditatively chewed it up. Other than the faint radioactive glow, it looked positively harmless. Sen arched his snub head back as the mashed-up grass slid down his throat. A few jerky gulps later, and the Tender moved on to investigating a tree. It was a dully municipal one, a spiny evergreen selected for its ability to retain leaves year-round, doubtless making maintenance that little bit easier. Vex chuckled as Sen's curiosity was punished with an unappetising mouthful of leathery, pine-fresh needles; the green beast yelping with audible disgust. The Tender swung its paw at the tree; Jacob sighed to himself.

"Great, it's bad-tempered and stupid.

His analysis was interrupted by a dull crunch as Sen wrestled his jaws around the unfortunate tree's trunk and took a mouthful out of that, still not noticing the bemused pair as it furiously crunched up and finally swallowed the thoroughly unappetising bark. Judging by its rather intense expression as it worked its teeth round the meal, this was not a particularly pleasant task for the Tender.

That done, Sen lapped at some of the fresh sap bleeding from the tree's wound before stalking round the edge of the City Hall to the water feature, taking a long drink (or possibly, to Vexmagog and Jacob's eyes, a long submersion, as Sen's head disappeared behind the stone edge of the fountain) before emerging again.

The Tender finally glanced around to see if anyone was about, and spotted Vex and Jacob. It stared with inscrutable blankness for some time. He didn't blink. He didn't shrug, or call out, or acknowledge them in any way. Eventually reaching some conclusion, Sen turned to the nearest tree and began digging at its base.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Battle Majestic (Round 1 - Bubble Universe) - by Schazer - 01-18-2010, 01:10 AM
[No subject] - by Ixcaliber - 03-10-2013, 04:51 AM