The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]

The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]
Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 4: Misty Swamp]
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

"All right. It's off."

The human turned to the glowing spirit, which made a chiming noise more chilling to the agent than a blood-curdling screech. Snatching up the rope tossed toward her, the Countess managed to hitch herself up despite the joint-locking mud. While the shaggy hexapod hauled the amalgam from the swamp, she enjoyed a delectably tense, terse conversation with her captors.

Well, maybe she was being pessimistic. Considering the circumstances, it was hard to blame her.

"So, you knew I was broadcasting. And where."

The human just glared.

"Are you taking me prisoner, then? When I've done nothing wrong?"

"All paralleled, procedurals disruptance concerning. All circumstance concerned, legitimacy, no?" The creature chuckled a little; the human sighed.

"Bear, let me do the talking."


"Look. Whatever your name is."


"Ok," agreed the human once the glowing creature had failed to spot any lies, "Countess. We know where you came from. It's the same way these two ended up here."

The Countess frowned, as best as her features could accommodate the expression. "Do you mean a Gr-"

"You say those words in front of Jasnasć here, and you'll be given a real reason to be scared of her."

Bear had chosen this moment to reach over the boardwalk, grab the Countess by her less-lacerating-to-touch midriff, and lift her from the mud. She savoured the loathing, eye-to-eye glare she exchanged with the human, before the creature dropped her with a clatter. Her joints ached, and there was a weird crick in her neck - doubtless caused by some insidious piece of swamp-weed jamming her gears.

"Ambulates?" grumbled her captor.

"Thank you, Bear. It'll be slow going, but I'll manage. I think."

"Concording. Tasked merest, Countess' assignment posting Shrine-"

"Bear," growled the human, "I said. I'm doing. The talking." He strode off down the boardwalk - Jasnasć drifting behind him - and had gotten about two lanterns ahead before turning. The Countess pre-empted whatever exasperated reply he had.

"I'm clockwork. This is mud. It's not a particularly auspicious combination, dear."

"Yeah, well. This fog? It's worse. For everyone. Like hell I'm staying in it longer than I have to."

"Then why insist taking on me prisoner, hmm? It seems you hardly lack-" the Countess pointedly glanced over her shoulder, as best as she could, to the bomb attached there "- the technology, to shut me down from afar. Leave me to rust."

His mouth opened, as though about to snap something, before a thought crossed his mind and he snapped it shut again.

"Decreed," was Bear's cheerful explanation.

"Uh. Yeah. It's just the law, all right? If you want to go and rust once we're done with you, be my guest. But you're coming back to Holm. Because it's the law. Then you can do whatever the hell you want."


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 4: Misty Swamp] - by Schazer - 06-02-2011, 10:58 AM