The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]

The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove]
Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School]
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

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The Countess noted Acacia's arrival more by the reactions of the other contestants, but she whirled around at Pluck's voice, her ring of legs remained planted securely as she appraised the pair. The werewolf. Should be hard to earn his trust, but he's already comfortable around the deaf one? Interesting... Personable. Potentially roguish leader. Arnold wouldn't mind- her jaw sprang shut at the elf's simpering reply, and the powerful, bone-crushing gears in the back of her throat churned against each other a little faster. Pluck looked a little flustered at Holly's enthusiastic attention, but the werewolf seemed to swell visibly.

"Well, I do have one about a pack of pigs when they're busting into a-"

"-Hey! Are you two keen to join our team?" Arnold marched up, offering his hand to the werewolf. Pluck considered pointing out he was a little busy, when he appreciated the knight was built considerably heavier than he was.

Flashing Holly a toothy, only vaguely regretful smile, he accepted the handshake with a minimum of ill-grace.
"Name's Pluck, and this is Acacia. I'm keen to avoid going for each other's throats if you are, ...?"

"Arnold. No need for that Sir nonsense, that's ancient history," he laughed, moving along to greet the woman, introducing the others as he went. "Be a pleasure if you joined our little alliance too, Acacia. And this is Holly, the Countess, and Algernon over there."

The grey eyes scanned the ragtag bunch, lingering for a moment on the alien form of the Countess, before appraising the keystone in this ceasefire. Satisfied, she nodded. "An alliance sounds like the safest option for all of us." The Countess' hands met cheerfully at that, though it wasn't so much a clap as a rattle.

"Excellent. So, does anyone have a suggestion as to how we escape this wretched situation?" A couple of people ummed and aahed and shrugged, while Acacia tried to figure out what the clockwork creature had just said; eventually the only non-precipitate sound was Algernon absently munching on the carrots as he gazed out the window. The noise drew the eyes of a few others, as they saw what stood between them and freedom. The rain didn't seem to be falling, so much as been shot from the heavens, peppering and pulverising the now-mud, kicking it back skyward to form a murky mist that obscured the school field. The buckled remnants of a soccer post were almost visible through the downpour, but it probably wasn't worth betting on it. For all they knew, it could've been a hundred-year-old oak that had been pummeled into submission by the torrent.

The Countess raised her own, weather-beaten fingers to the window, silently letting the others appreciate the pitted dents the rain had struck into it. The gravity of their predicament finally sinking in, Pluck had the courage to break the silence.

"I don't know how the hell we're supposed to escape, but there's a teacher robot upstairs that asked me to go look for students? Maybe if we're all there, he'll help us out." The werewolf shrugged; the Countess awaited affirmation from the Controller before nodding vigorously, more for Acacia's benefit than anyone else's.

"Please, Pluck. Lead the way." She motioned gracefully to the door, glancing round at the others. The Controller's directions were rather vague on specifics, but clear enough otherwise - attendance was crucial for as many contestants as possible.


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Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School] - by Schazer - 06-02-2010, 08:15 PM