The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]

The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios]
Re: The Delicious Engagement [Round 0: Do Something Interesting]
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

[background=#80BFFF:2ihyx3qg]"Ok. Just, please, hold it for a second."[/background:2ihyx3qg]

[background=black:2ihyx3qg]The Observer glanced up from his surveillance of his latest battle, to be greeted (again) by the displeased glare of the Composer. He looked slightly nonplussed, considering his battle had been moving rather slowly anyway. She sighed, leaned forward, adjusted some screens, and brought up a chaotic, eye-wateringly colourful pocket dimension. Finger stabbed in accusation at the Eccentric, the Composer queried as acidly as she could without physically spitting venom, "you're allowing that to run one of your battles?"[/background:2ihyx3qg]

"Well, uh, it's doing all right, isn't it?"[background=black:2ihyx3qg] The Observer took a perverse delight in seeing the look of flabbergasted fury on the Composer's face, before she leaned in close and hissed in his face.[/background:2ihyx3qg]

[background=#80BFFF:2ihyx3qg]"I have no idea what kind of debacle you think you're running here, Observer, but I refuse to tolerate it any longer. That abomination is making a mockery of our noble game."[/background:2ihyx3qg]

[background=black:2ihyx3qg]The Observer stared unblinkingly back at the irate Grandmaster, trying to figure if he'd survive longer by pleading ignorance or changing the subject. He settled for a shrug; the Composer sighed deeply, and turned on her heel. She faced away from the relieved Observer, intently studying the screen as her outline was picked up and scattered by an invisible breeze. In a few moments, she was gone.

The Observer leaned in, noting the robed woman who'd materialised silently behind Zephyr. He winced just a little as the cold, crush-grip hands lunged forward before anyone could react and snapped the boy's neck.

[background=#80BFFF:2ihyx3qg]"Now. We can start to get things back on track again."[/background:2ihyx3qg][background=black:2ihyx3qg] Unceremoniously dropping the body at her feet, the Composer's cold voice rang out, with just a hint of a smirk.[/background:2ihyx3qg][background=#80BFFF:2ihyx3qg] "Oh, this is nothing personal,"[/background:2ihyx3qg][background=black:2ihyx3qg] she added, idly stepping round Zephyr's prone form,[/background:2ihyx3qg][background=#80BFFF:2ihyx3qg] "I've just had quite enough of humans. Eccentric."[/background:2ihyx3qg]

[background=black:2ihyx3qg]A lone tentacle made the circuitous, yet respectful journey from summit down to the Composer's stiffly extended hand, who took it with a minimum of visible disgust as the telepathic conversation started in earnest.[/background:2ihyx3qg]

[background=#80BFFF:2ihyx3qg]I'll be taking over from here, madgod.

[background=#80BFFF:2ihyx3qg]... Technical complications. I assure you, though, I'm quite capable of running this to your satisfaction.[/background:2ihyx3qg]

[background=black:2ihyx3qg]I'd wager you a pig to a porcupine you couldn't, little songmaker.[/background:2ihyx3qg]

[background=black:2ihyx3qg]The Composer's grin shifted a little, but she pressed on. [/background:2ihyx3qg][background=#80BFFF:2ihyx3qg]Well... this-[/background:2ihyx3qg][background=black:2ihyx3qg] the lone word carried the inflection of a whole little mad domain, dancing tantalisingly across the Eccentric's inner eye before the Grandmaster before him pressed on [/background:2ihyx3qg][background=#80BFFF:2ihyx3qg]-was what I was considering. I trust it passes muster?[/background:2ihyx3qg]

[background=black:2ihyx3qg]The Eccentric was going to admit, that yes, it did look rather interesting, when the Composer's half-smile hardened, and his piecemeal consciousness was suddenly flooded, overloaded, with the arena affixed in his mind. Tendrils flailed wildly, snatching the startled contestants even as the Eccentric began to burrow, against his own volition, through reality to the world the Composer was burning into its mad mind. The blank, white eyes were locked unblinkingly upon the writhing myriad that towered above, awaiting the turning point.[/background:2ihyx3qg]

[background=#80BFFF:2ihyx3qg]The eight had made it through; the Composer wasted no time. Dragging the all-consuming image from the Eccentric as savagely as she'd rammed it in, she herself leapt to her familiar between-space, and set about walling off her arena (and contestants) from unwelcome intrusion. Taking a deep breath and checking for any stray Eccentric tendrils, the Composer raised a few windows to observe the goings-on in her other battle, and, settled, greeted her new motley crew.

"My apologies for the... unorthodox opening to this battle. I assure you from this point on, we will be proceeding with... a modicum of sanity." There was the tiniest little sound, a smirk made audible, at the end of that, before the Composer proceeded.

"Welcome, contestants, to what will, for all but one of you, be the last fight of your life - the Battle Royale.

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Delicious Engagement [Round 0: Do Something Interesting] - by Schazer - 06-09-2010, 02:04 PM
[No subject] - by Dragon Fogel - 12-12-2012, 02:38 AM