QUIETUS [S!5] [Round 3: Deluge]

QUIETUS [S!5] [Round 3: Deluge]
Re: QUIETUS [S!5] [Round 1: Godsworn Valley]
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Robin stared moodily at a placidly vacillating little dongle she'd set up, the lack of impending doom or peril (or any immediate prospects of running into her purported companions) killing her buzz a bit. The animeter's wobbles were intriguing from a scientific perspective, but didn't really point to anything she could get really excited about.

"Gods," she muttered. It was less a sarcastic epithet tried on for kicks; more turned over in her mental hands like a curious idea. Someone launched a few shells in the middle distance, a couple of pebbles slithered down Robin's escarpment.

Hello Abomination
Well met

Robin frowned, packing away the bopping animeter while figuring how best to proceed. A fly landed on her hand, which gave her pause to consider until a nimbus sprung up behind it.

You are a strange one even for a subversion of my Circle
Your ilk ordinarily great artifices of inexorable gravity
Attempts to drag my Circle into one stagnant eternity or the other
Tell me little Abomination
Why am I saying this to you

Robin just shrugged, slowly finding a seat again amongst the scree without disturbing the fly. She adjusted her labcoat a little more securely over her shoulder, idly wishing she could get the rest of her equipment out. Whatever got the bug was channelling let it groom itself for a bit, before it miscalculated Robin's silence as a cocky answer.

You are from elsewhere
Truly godless Abomination

"I'm Dr. Pearson," Robin managed, trying not to sound too offended. She tried standing up, but some rock slid beneath her and she decided introductions would be ok crouching. "Unless that's some kind of religious term that's a bit more flattering where you come from-"

I am from nowhere
Zealots in my name who beg me forsake them
I do not
My Circle does not
They do not call my name for my blessing
They curse me
They curse knowing and the awareness dogging their footsteps as their effortless dance is dissolving in self-consciousness
These others are the gods of men
I precede that and they have all forgotten

The scientist groaned inwardly, feeling like this thing was talking in - oh, right. Duh. "You're an old god, then?"

I predate agriculture

retorted the fly. Robin nodded politely, picking her brains for a segue into a possible escape off the mountainside.

"Could any of your zealots come and get me down from here safely?" Wait, crap. Her companion didn't seem too bothered, although its little halo seemed to dim as if in disinterest. It sprung off Robin's hand, quickly zipping off until Robin lost sight of it. Probably went to go find a corpse to lay its eggs in, or something.

At her feet, a beetle was effused with a temporary radiance.

You are a strange one
But you are finding your place in Zoo's Circle

"Wait, hang on. You're Zoo? That's your name?"

That is the implication

nodded the beetle. Robin assumed it was nodding, or that was what it was trying to do with its little beetle-feelers.

"So you're like, an animal god or something?"

To call me an animal god is to in the same breath call me a plant god
Or a human god
A god of fungi and the beasts of rot and decomposition
A god of the bacterium too though I enjoy keeping their antics to myself
And of course utterly miss the point

Robin just nodded, feeling all right with not carrying a peace missive on one shoulder while in a god's company. She was about to triumphantly exclaim she'd just nailed Zoo's whole Circle imagery he had going, when enough stone came skittering down the hill at once to make her glance peakward.

Four mountain goats were on the next ridge up, but didn't stay there long. Within moments they were hurtling helter-skelter down the skree-slip slope, a rather alarmed scientist being juggled about on the backs of three of them. (The fourth had her briefcase in its mouth, and was irritably and unsuccessfully trying to shake off a halo.)

I am taken to understand this is my High Priest Barbary
They all rather dislike my doing this

The fourth goat barely avoided an extremely disreputable-looking shrub, and appeared to have Robin's animeter stuck on one of its horns. Robin herself finally managed to grab a single goat by the horns, disgruntled as it was by that, and the six (?) of them galloped down the hill.


A rifle's retort, and one goat's oddly-graceful nose-first descent collapsed into a mess of limbs and gravity. Robin felt her grip on her mount trickle away like water even as she tumbled to a halt, barely avoiding catching her briefcase with the side of her head.

She clutched it tight as a cougar that definitely hadn't existed a few seconds ago leapt the wreckage of a war machine, and with much aplomb and shrieking ripped apart whoever had holed themselves up behind there.


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Re: QUIETUS [S!5] [Sign-ups] - by GBCE - 04-12-2012, 03:22 AM
Re: QUIETUS [S!5] [Round 1: Godsworn Valley] - by Schazer - 05-13-2012, 10:04 AM