The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Six: Eddelin City]

The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Six: Eddelin City]
Re: The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Three:!]
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Xadrez was off to a good start as he sliced off half of the sharp, pointed cap of the marlin's helm. He grabbed the thin spine in his other hand as the swift foe darted out of his range. The tactician was severely out-maneuvered, his spectral form lending him just enough speed to avoid the metal spikes that flanked the giant fish's sides. Wheeling sluggishly round to try and keep track of his attacker's movements, Xadrez saw his opportunity as the marlin plowed at him, responding to its pass with a jab to the eye.

There hadn't been enough time to switch to the preferable metal spike. Still, pacifistic restraints on what the demon dagger could cut notwithstanding, a poke in the eye was still a poke in the eye. The giant fish thrashed off, hastily dropping its elegance in its throes of pain. Its rider; who Xadrez had noted with begrudging approval had switched elegantly from one side of his mount to the other as their attacks demanded it; patted it on the head with a misshapen claw, before ordering the marlin to charge again.

Xadrez raised his knife and spike, noting the change in the fish's trajectory - slightly down from dead on. He tensed, spotting the rider's raised claw and the marlin's stripe of face armour right beneath it.

One deceptively quiet click later, and the region between Xadrez' wrist and shoulder was instantly replaced with a roiling, burning pain. The marlin darted below, the mercop smartly retrieving the sinking dagger. The tactician wasn't in the mood to open dialogue with a "what do you think" when the marlin-rider asked in a jocular fashion "is this your knife?", so he settled for narrowing his eyes and gingerly twitching the fingers on his knife hand. They were still responsive, despite the little glowing threads that should've, by rights, connected the spirits digits to the rest of it not quite making up a proper elbow.

The marlin couldn't seem to hover in one place, or at least sink at the same speed as Xadrez. Instead the rider tried to hold a conversation with his quarry, not quite realising how irritated the tactician was getting.

"Yooou're not a pirate, are ya?"

Xadrez found the way he was so tightly clutching the metal spike in his other hand a little undignified, and discarded it. He let himself count to ten before trying to focus less on the way he could sense the knife his knife cruising in circles around him.


more of an unexpected guest

Archie, as far as members of law enforcement went, was a pretty open-minded sort. Although ghosts on rocks which talked through knives sounded a bit like typical pirate trouble, he kind of prided himself on not being judgemental about things like this. Not to mention this particular ghost seemed pretty polite.

"You are aware this is a ree-stricted passover zone?"

I was not

may I inquire as to why

"Haha. Either you're a damn smart pirate, or a damn lost traveler. Down beelow us is the 'folk settlement, Hydresther. Those pirate types used to cast nets and mines and all sorts on us, leastways until we sent them a piece of our mind."

Xadrez nodded as the two of them sank deeper. Hearing out the cop's story didn't seem like that sure a way to get his dagger back, but it was the most feasible given the circumstances.

"Since then, most we'll get are a few grog barrels on the outskirts. Still, it's up to 'folk like me to remain ever vigilant ag'inst the pirate scourge!"

Archie raised his cannon-arm in a mock salute, and laughed. Xadrez conceded a quiet chuckle, then added rather brusquely,

may I please have my knife back

"Now, hang on. I've been timing your falling, and we've got a goood five minutes 'til we'll spot the Upper Tiers. So, Mr Traveler, how's about you tell me a bit about yourself, hm?"


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Three:!] - by Schazer - 10-29-2010, 10:28 AM