The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Six: Eddelin City]

The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Six: Eddelin City]
Re: The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Three:!]
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

There really should've been a short, stunned silence as Jen tumbled into the shark's gaping maw, but with Arkal the only one on the raft inconvenienced by a nervous system, things kind of continued as anarchically usual. A wave lapped over the rocking raft, hitting the Ovoid with an anomalous shattering noise before it vanished from sight.

Xadrez figured if odds were on Jen getting digested, he didn't have time to be getting sentimental about it. A dagger's slash was all that was needed to weaken the support under Kracht's rocky feet. A nasty crack was heard beneath the green feet, but Kracht didn't react.

Or, at least, he didn't react fast enough to account for an obsidian disc slamming into his stomach. Kracht's feet scrabbled on unstable planks, before seizing Xadrez' chessboard and dragging him into the water.

The tactician hadn't actually tried using his knife in an aquatic environ before, and though the blade still carved effortlessly through, the hilt was still privy to drag. Even settling the dagger into Kracht's head as the mineral hung on wasn't all that satisfying, being unable to either make a quick strike or have the damn thing stay in place once it was wedged in there. The green stone made a resonant humming noise as he did something so he could speak underwater, the knife slipping down his face. Considering the rather absurd scuffle, Kracht's voice was calm, perhaps even having lost a bit of the condescension.

"The Observer made a terrible mistake in bringing us here."

If deviation like this results in my not being dead come the end of this then yes that does not bode well for the Observer's prospects

Kracht shook his head as the two descended into the deep, Xadrez irately pulling out his knife as the movement jarred it.

"Please, Xadrez. Hear me out."

A shoal of fish darted by, their collective behemoth shadow startled Xadrez; he snapped around angrily at what Kracht said next.

"I mean, give me a bit of credit, would you? You always overanalyse my every move and word, but that's because you know I'm smart. Now, Xadrez, does it occur to you that if I'd had enough of besting you every time, I would've waltzed on out of this loop already?"

Xadrez, ghostly skin turning luminous as the pair continued to sink into deeper, darker water, irritably impaled himself with the dagger. He gestured for Kracht to cease your desperate convolutions and make your point clear

Kracht studied the chessmaster's impassive features, before deciding something critical wasn't there.

"Carve me into green dust if you will, Xadrez, but it won't help you destroy the Observer. Nothing will, and you should stop trying before you do some real damage."


"I mean it. If I could bind you to an agreement that you wouldn't go after the Observer, I'd gladly shatter or explode or do something pretty so the Observer would move things along for you. But I can't and you won't," the mineral finished flatly, kicking off the obsidian disc with his feet, "so I'm stuck here watching- you!"

Although the admittedly solid kick wasn't enough to flip the unstreamlined chessboard over, it certainly upset Xadrez' smooth descent, which was now a lot slower than the more conveniently shaped Kracht who was sinking, oddly enough, like a stone. The tactician hissed, ineffectually trying to rock his tether to angle it through the water after his quarry.

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Three:!] - by Schazer - 10-13-2010, 08:06 AM