The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Six: Eddelin City]

The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Six: Eddelin City]
Re: The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Two: Sk'va!]
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

does this hurt you asked Xadrez, as he picked up the little hemisphere of stone and raised it for inspection. His spectral fingers could feel the tan force pulsing intermittently beneath what was, at the same disconcerting time, solid rock.

I know you can hear me, entity

The real question is, do you care

Cyk'nl's ability to stay airborne was being tested with alarmingly increasing frequency, jolting Jen out of her dazed concentration. The clone was keeping a wary distance from her, conspicuous in that like the hovering tactician and Ovoid, the moment-to-moment discrepancies in the city's altitude weren't bothering him any.

Xadrez narrowed his blank eyes, looked from bobbing othermatter to the tan lump in his hand, tentatively pressed the latter upon his chessboard, and finally tossed it at the Ovoid.

For a couple of seconds, nothing happened save for a few buildings collapsing further up the street. Then there was a brief, awful scream as Xadrez' ghostly form spasmed painfully, jittering from misty to solid to blue to beige. For all a mildly disconcerted Jen and Troubleshooter knew, they were watching the observable portion of a hyperdimensional wrestling match. The clone was just kind of taking in everything with the horrified amazement that came with observing something like the Ovoid.

Then again, thought Jen as she looked to the tactician with some concern, Xadrez seemed to be having a rough time of it. Every split second his form vacillated to Ovoid, that strange dagger was slipping down under its own weight. It didn't take much time for it to jolt and quiver down from the spirit's shoulder, until it finally hit the obsidian chessboard and clattered to a halt, hilt-deep, in the cobblestones beneath him. Jen nipped in with her usual agility, and yanked it from the ground. She then realised even if this thing couldn't draw blood, it could probably tear down civilisations, so it was accorded a bit of respect. A quick glance up confirmed the two strange ones were duking it out Somewhere, and judging by the terrified expression on Xadrez' expressionless face it wasn't comforting terrain.

Jeniffer wasn't sure how exactly to help her ally, so just got out of the way for the time being. The clone seemed unwilling to get anywhere near her after their last altercation, so Jen just cut down a door and sheltered in its doorway. The interior was already kind of wrecked, and Jen kind of doubted that she was much safer here. Oh well.

Jen raised the nondescript dagger to the dust-choked light, idly wishing this weapon was a better conversant than her last one. I mean, sure, it certainly wasn't much to look at, but -

Nope, it wasn't the bomber craft winging their way overhead, the knife was definitely humming. Curious, Jen raised the flat of it to her ear, and heard the lowest murmur, swift and desperate:

make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop make it stop

Messages In This Thread
Re: The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Two: Sk'va!] - by Schazer - 09-24-2010, 03:45 PM