The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Six: Eddelin City]

The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round Six: Eddelin City]
Re: The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round One: Alpha Complex!]
Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

Xadrez nodded, detached and distracted, to a sulky Computer as he slid out of the briefing room and trailed after the departing Troubleshooters. His little game with Friend Computer had given the spirit quite a bit to mull over, and once he was done with that a bit more again to think about why and how he was thinking about what he was thinking about.

If anything, Xadrez was feeling rather more upbeat. He wished, in a none-too-concerned kind of way, that he'd taken a few extra seconds to study the rules better, insightful as they were in their stylised, allegorical fashion into the intricacies of this Complex and its citizens. The spirit understood full well that the game board was a flippantly loose excuse of a floor plan, and he could make the reasonable assumption that real-life Reds did not flee in terror at half speed compared to their higher-ranked compatriots. Still, it explained a lot. For a creature like Xadrez, it explained a dangerous amount. It would've been nice to procure a full set of the rules, to better understand this arena, but from his examination of the (especially Indigo and Violet) movesets, power and privilege came straight from high rank. Just go searching in the right places, places with a better chance of being "right", as per the latest batch of data, and acquire more data. Simple enough, even if execution proved troublesome.

But really, there wasn't all that much to complain about - the tactician had been handed the information he needed to be able to get on with some serious, productive strategising. For this arena, anyway. Still, even if the variables, his foes, were constant throughout this battle, from one battlefield to the next, studying them in this one would be all Xadrez would need. It was one illuminated corner of a nebulous, web-like map that, shrouded in darkness, seemed to extend out forever. But it had been proven now that it certainly had a corner; thus, Xadrez knew it was only a matter of time until he no longer traversed the web but surveyed it, and played its glowing connections on high, reality harmonising to the tones of predicted death.

Xadrez hung back from the pack, watching their interactions while trying to calculate how accurate the game board had been in comparison to the Complex's layout. Really, the only thing that could've improved Xadrez's subtle mood at present would've been the elimination of that irksome, lime-green anomaly.


Messages In This Thread
Re: The Grand Battle S2G1! [Round One: Alpha Complex!] - by Schazer - 06-18-2010, 12:10 PM