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Re: Interstice: Now accepting victims. I mean players.
Originally posted on MSPA by Palamedes.

Well I was hoping to have better idea but oh well.

Name: 'Kim'? Kind of?
Species: Holdslos Symbiont - a dangerous species created on a (now deserted and trashed) backwater planet on a backwater world. They have been ripped off by several successful survival horror movies in an attempt to play them off as fictional and declared as a 'make extinct as soon as possible' species by most civilized governments and organizations.
Gender: Female? Kind of?

Description (physical): 'Kim', or 'Kimberly' if you must be formal, stands around 8 feet tall, a hight that while impressive on its own is slightly diminished by the fact that 'her' thin body can't support a straight up standing position for long and 'she' usually has to slouch down to a significantly less imposing 5 feet. 'Her' right arm is vaguely human, except for the fact that the hand's made up of two thumbs and four fingers, and 'her' right arm is pretty much gone barring some carapace along the shoulder. As for legs, 'she' has six of them and they are something of a cross between those of a bird and a lizard. 'Her' head is almost unidentifiable barring the definite existance of eyes and some sort of mouth, 'her' voice is barely feminine and gutteral, and the rest of 'her' body is a mishmash of scale, skin, and feather, with some light protection along most of 'her' joints.

Before being pulled into the Interstice, 'she' could also boast a decent pair of wings (of which the tiniest bit of their base can be seen), a large pincer attached to her left arm that she inherited from a massive breed of crab consumed several decades ago, and a tail. The last of those has already started to grow back significantly faster then the rest of her (as in, at all in the hours she's been in).

Description (psychological): 'Kim' is at heart a true Holdslos, and as such shares the species' primary interest: the combination of prominant, useful traits found in other species (almost exclusively via consumption) and surviving long enough to pass on the genetic structure gathered within them at the end of their 'elder' period (that is, when they stop being able to alter themselves via processing others). All else is completely secondary to those two goals.

Though not as important, it's still worth mentioning that Holdslos are interested in protecting beings they've identified as having suitable traits if they've realized that said being has either already been processed by the symbiont or the being has yet to reach their true potential (and would therefore be far more suitible for processing later). In addition, they hold some form of respect for anything that either defeats (and spares) them or saves/protects them in combat, judging them to be the stronger between them. Being judged as such means that a Holdslos will usually not attempt to consume them unless they have already died (in which case they will be honoured - via a pure processing, giving as much of a chance as possible for the honoured to alter the Holdslos consuming it).

Individually, 'Kim' has some rather unfortunate (as far as 'her' species is concerned) traits. Due to processing an entire enviromentalist convention early in 'her' existance (in fact, 'she' ate 'her' first human, who was ended up also leaving 'her' with an associated name and gender) 'Kim' was unable to keep all of their beliefs out and finds 'herself' unable to kill, eat, or even injure the vast majority of small creatures, and will often go out of 'her' way to actually protect them from anything fighting against them. In addition, due to being trapped on a highly civilized planet (where 'her' kind is shot on sight) 'she' began adopting a thick robe and the persona of an old woman, and will commonly revert to acting like that when put into unfamiliar or dangerous situations ('she' usually does not do a good job, as 'she' has never consumed a master impersonator OR an old crone). Finally, 'she' usually goes out of her way to make sure people know that 'she' does not really have a gender or name, but if necessary should be considered female and 'Kim' - even when trying to be discreet.

Skills: 'Kim' has picked up several skills from the species she has consumed, primary amongst these are the ability to fly (when 'she' has wings), higher than average speed and agility, the ability to easily climb up steep surfaces (so long as they are somewhat rough and not near vertical), and healing as well as minor regeneration (significantly faster in her tail, due to 'her' relatively useless ability to seperate it at will).

'Her' most unique ability is 'her' processing powers. 'She' will absorb traces of the genetic data of anything 'she' eats, the amount of which is somewhat controlled by 'her' as to try and get the best traits and abilities. At 'her' advanced age, 'she' usually has to consume several bodies of a certain type before picking up any of their traits, and even if 'she' does get something out of it it's usually random and 'she' might not get the desired ability (and it can take days for any change to come into play). In addition, 'her' size fluctuates with every being processed, as its size is averaged with every other creature ever consumed (this is the only change which always occurs). Though with the amount of things 'she's' eaten, 'Kim' is unlikely to change much sizewise. Of course, 'she' must eat whenever she's hungry, which causes 'her' to often process things 'she' doesn't necessarily want to.

Equipment: 'Kim' didn't have much coming into the Interstice (actually 'she' came out with much less then 'she' started, as 'her' particular activation was on the more human parts of 'her' right arm and torso, and unfortunately brought 'her' in without 'her' wings, tail, or left arm). 'She' does have 'her' cloak, however, as well as part of 'her' latest meal.

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