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Re: Interstice: Now accepting victims. I mean players.
Originally posted on MSPA by Pharmacy.

Name: Svedberg

Species: Nurse

Gender: The ratio of female Nurses to male Nurses is roughly 10:1. Svedberg is of the latter.

Description (physical):

Svedberg looks vaguely like a nurse you expect- in a fictional setting. What with the skintight bodysuit (a classy red), a killer body (with a nice posterior), and armor seemly designed for the most inappropriate purpose possible (guess), he is certainly someone sufficiently suited for a testosterone-charged video game with lots of guns. Speaking of guns, he does not technically have one. More of a bulky apparatus - so close enough. More on that later.

An biological construct, Svedberg has many unnatural structures on him - including a skin-flap of a backpack designed to accommodate an impressive amount of objects and an organically grafted helmet designed to look as a stereotypical nurse's headgear. He wears it because he is cautious - but mostly because for shame reasons; underneath that helmet is a mouth full of sharp and nasty teeth - a species-specific quality wide enough to bite any idiots looking too close.

Description (psychological):

Like the rest of his brethren, Svedberg is designed to care for others. However, it is not just the years of genetic tampering in utero and the supplementary conditioning to boot. There is an addition of his general personality and work ethics. He is willing to care for others. From spilled viscera to a mere scrape, no harm is too small for him. Nursing is serious business.

However, he is emotionally weak - meaning it does not take much to make him intensively happy, angry, sad, etc. I mean, it is no surprise considering he is a designer species for war thus socially incompetent but the army is full of monsters but even monsters have friends - especially if the camaraderie is forged through needlessly complicated guns and crushing puny heads between their thighs. Svedberg has a strong aversion to needless violence - plus there are not a lot of Nurses (male and female) around here.

So, he kind of gets lonely.


Svedberg is a Nurse. As a Nurse, he has the clinical judgement to care for patients in a way that improves, maintains, and most importantly ensures recovery of patient health - such skills include diagnosis, prescription of medication, treatment plans, and so forth. As a Nurse, he also has needle-like claws, hooves strong enough to kick a bitch down, and of course, the trademark Nurse mouth. He also has a healing flamethrower.

Yeah, we would get to that in a second.

Svedberg generates a thin film of pseudoscientific aura that is collected and pressurized into the apparatus in which he holds in his hands. If sufficiently full, the apparatus can discharge a cone-shaped spray of red mist. The red mist stitches the wounds, set the bones, invigorates the body, and all-in-all a panacea to all that is harmful. However, it also sears the mind and intensifies the pain - starting from mere discomfort then gradually evolving into full blown agony - eventually combusting into live (ha ha) flames

- only if the exposure is long enough of course.


Before he was whisked away, Svedberg was a bit busy crying in the locker room. Other than his apparatus, a couple of first-aid kits, and a gradually moistening towel, he is not carrying much because he is too busy drowning in feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeliiiiiiiiiinngs. God, what a wimp.

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