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Re: Interstice: Now accepting victims. I mean players.
Originally posted on MSPA by AmberIce.

Name: Angel
Species: Mundusian Persian cat (same as a normal Persian, except intelligent as any human and able to speak clearly)
Gender: Female

Description (physical): In her cat form, she looks like a normal Persian cat, like what you'd see on Earth, with soft white fur and gold eyes. Her human form, which she can switch in and out of at will, is that of a young girl with straight, platinum blond hair that goes well past her shoulders, wearing a pristine white dress, simple and elegant in its style, and she prefers to go without shoes.

Description (psychological): As her name and appearance might suggest, Angel is a rather pure-hearted cat. She's a very firm believer in the importance of helping others, and once she feels like she can trust you, she becomes an extraordinarily loyal companion. She prefers to avoid conflict whenever possible; if it comes down to a fight, she will usually try and talk it out first, insistently warning her opponent that fighting her would be most unwise.

The problem is that she can sometimes take the "side of good" thing a little too far. She prefers redemption over outright punishment, and will never kill someone if she believes there's hope for them. It should also be noted that she's no naive schoolgirl type; the things she's been through have begun to break her down, leaving her blindly clinging to her ideals to get her through life in a very cynical world. To her, evil isn't just morally wrong, it's downright poisonous.

So, basically, The Fettered, The Heart, and The Chick, with some Break the Cutie in her backstory.

Skills: Hailing from a world where magic is extraordinarily common and an integral part of daily life, Angel is a wielder of light, one of the strongest around. She can control light in the conventional sense to illuminate areas or blind enemies, as well as fire beams of bright white energy that are more solid and can knock people back or damage objects. Obviously, this is "super-effective" against users of dark energy, but does not necessarily negate said energy. Really, it's more of a stalemate unless one person has more powerful magic than the other.

Angel can also cast a powerful spell known as the "Trinity," which is where she unleashes a concentrated but somewhat long-lasting burst of light energy in a three-meter radius. It takes a long time to charge, and while she's charging it, she's completely helpless. If she gets attacked before the Trinity is ready, her concentration is broken, and she has to start all over again.

Equipment: Being a cat who fights with magic and/or her natural abilities, she doesn't exactly carry much. (And her human-form dress doesn't have any pockets.) She was hanging out in her room at the time, so she arrived with the bowl of cat chow she was eating out of and nothing else.

Sorry, I went a little overboard with the details. XP I can nerf her magical power if you think she's too strong, but keep in mind that her personality dictates she won't be using her magic to its full extent unless it's an absolute emergency.

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