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Re: Interstice: Now accepting victims. I mean players.
Originally posted on MSPA by Rufus.

Name: Rufus
Species: Ruffian
Gender: Male

Description (physical): Rufus is a rather average Ruffian. They stand at about 4.5 feet tall, with a long tail trailing behind them. They walk upright. Rufus is very white, his Ruffian skin and scales are very white. He has a small snout on his face, with jagged sharp teeth inside. He is very lanky and all of his limbs are a bite longer in ratio them a human's. His back and tail are covered in spines, like a porcupine. They are normally down, but when he is angry or scared they puff up for protection. His eyes are a proud red.

Description (psychological): Ruffians are scavengers and are usually very timid, and Rufus is no exception. They prefer to stay out of the way of things bigger then them. Ruffians eat just about anything, and as such Rufus is not picky and doesn't let things go to waste. He loves to optimize and learn new things. His timidness is a weakness of his, he has a hard time taking risks. Emotionally, he finds it difficult to be blunt with people, and his voice often quavers when he argues or yells, especially when directed at somebody who is bigger or stronger then him. Rufus's greatest psychological strength is his analytical mindset; due to years of being a student of the mystic arts. He is a glorious fanatic of The Bleeding God and proud of it, though he allows others to have their own beliefs. (This is because, in his world, every race has their own god. The god of a race would probably not welcome anyone not of their chosen race into their church or society, and as such each race keeps to their own religions and traditions.)

Skills: In Rufus's world, the species known as the Ruffians were once the lowest of the low, being scavengers and all. But after they discovered a god; The Bleeding God, they learned his secrets and gained some of his powers. The Ruffians created a secret group, called the Bleeding Circle, and began to teach each other these magical arts. This type of magic allows the user to manipulate blood and use it to various effects. The blood contains the "life-force" of any living thing, and this magic manipulates it. By creating symbols of blood on objects or areas, different effects can be achieved. There are many, many different symbols and things that can be done with the blood, but they require both time and materials (namely blood) to be used.
Secondly, he also has some basic first aid skills and knowledge of anatomy. Drawing blood from both himself and other organisms has taught him many lessons on first aid and health, though really only how it relates to blood.
+ Has skills in magical "Blood Symbols" that allow him to make various effects with the blood.
- Required both blood and time to draw the symbols; not useful in the middle of combat.

Another, but much more minor ability he has is the ability to drink blood as if it was water. He does not technically need to drink water to survive, he can just drink blood. However he is NOT a vampire and does not need blood to survive. Furthermore, he does not like drinking blood as it obviously wastes his spell-crafting material, and so picks water over blood whenever he can.

Equipment: Rufus luckily was carrying his tools of the trade, and was on the way to a Bleeding Circle meeting, before he was teleported to Interstice. He was carrying:
+ A Jar full of Goat's blood
+ A Jar full of Sheep's Blood
+ 2 Empty Jars
+ A sharp but small obsidian stone
+ An engraved silver dagger depicting The Bleeding God himself in all his glory
+ Dark Red robes
+ A small porcelain bowl; used to collect a small amount of blood before rituals and offered to The Bleeding God out of respect
+ Three handwritten books, each detailing a large amount of different symbols and rituals to both The Bleeding God and for Blood Magic. This is used for reference, as he cannot memorize every detail of the various circles and symbols.
+ A small brass lantern with a decent amount of oil left in it
+ Bag of 27 gold coins
+ One small family talisman; having spines from Rufus's ancestors along it. Has no magical powers or atypical properties. (Just an heirloom.)

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