Exquisite Biome - an ecosystem-crafting game

Exquisite Biome - an ecosystem-crafting game
RE: Exquisite Biome - an ecosystem-crafting game
Loving all the thoughts so far - I think for teeth it could have a relatively primitive/unspecialised tooth arrangement (I mean, it's still a heterodont like most mammals/has different-shaped teeth, so it's got grindy molors and snippy incisors and not-very-pronounced-but-still functional canines).

It's omnivorous and will absolutely kill and eat anything up to a medium-sized mammal if it's hungry and has the opportunity, but the sticky finger is a relatively new tool in its food-gathering set. Maybe it's a modification on the muscles that let a cat's claws retract, but working for a whole digit where the bone inside has become more cartilaginous????

I can absolutely see this thing "raising" bees or wasps, and generally sticking to lapping up the honey/a couple mouthfuls of workers but cracking the nest open when things get tough.

Another thought for it's face.... if it's it's this specialized digit for gathering hive bugs, it must generally avoid shoving it's face into things. I like to think it's got thick fur on its face to prevent bugs from biting or stinging it, but then it's got a lot of longer whiskers that help it sense what's going on round its head. These whiskers could also give it a good sense of water currents to aid in its riverbed engineering.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Exquisite Biome - an ecosystem-crafting game - by Schazer - 04-19-2024, 10:42 PM