Exquisite Biome - an ecosystem-crafting game

Exquisite Biome - an ecosystem-crafting game
RE: Exquisite Biome - an ecosystem-crafting game
To try and tie together what we've got of this creature so far...

There's already good examples of tool usage among animals which raid ant/termite nests with sticks, like chimpanzees, however this Beast already has a highly specialised organ/digit for tool usage. In light of that, and thinking about our big hairy lug and the habitat prompt we've got...

I think this thing can haul logs, dislodge rocks, and uses those to help it cross flooded river plains and reach those braid-bars between the currents where the easy food can be found once the snowmelt from up the valley starts making changes to the landscape. This thing could even, potentially, be a more active ecosystem engineer - if a big boulder's come from upstream and things have shifted to make a decent-sized new islet, it may even haul mud to establish it quicker as a microhabitat for fruiting plants/insects.

And given this range of complex behaviours, its apex predator status making it likely omnivorous/opportunistic in its foraging habits, and as a nod to it being bearlike, I think the best explanation for very small groups is that adults don't interact much, but cubs/young will stay with their mother for several years and learn how to survive. This would make its use of debris as bridges/stepping stones to make deeper channels easier to cross much more important for the survival of its young.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Exquisite Biome - an ecosystem-crafting game - by Schazer - 04-19-2024, 04:59 AM