Exquisite Biome - an ecosystem-crafting game

Exquisite Biome - an ecosystem-crafting game
Exquisite Biome - an ecosystem-crafting game
[Image: QCl8EB.png]

Howdy y'all, I'm jonesing for a little play-by-post action and would like to host a little ecosystem-building get-together, using Exquisite Biome by my good friend Caro.

How this game works is using a standard 52-card deck to provide questions and prompts that let us make several creatures, hopefully building a neat little ecosystem. There's no win condition or end goal, and whatever we make we're free to reimagine and use elsewhere after the game is done.


Game One
With Schaz, btp, and Andrea
Lines Wrote:Blood loss (mosquitos ok, leeches no, giant bloodsuckers draining you dry no), parasites which kill their hosts, parasites which live in skin/muscle), vertebrate reproductive organs
Veils Wrote:Reproductive strategies/copulation, internal parasites, eating prey alive


You can sign up by filling in the following form, then as soon as I've got enough folks can join me on our first foray into the wilds.

For this first game, I'd like to keep things relatively realistic. Sticking to plausibly earth-like creatures. Once folks get in the swing of things, I'd be happy to try a game in more of a fantasy or alien setting.

Lines: themes or subjects that you do not want to explore in this game.
Veils: themes or subjects you are ok including, as long as we don't go into vivid detail.
A cool real-world plant:
A cool real-world animal:

Lines and Veils are here as safety tools; this also lets me curate/tweak prompts on cards if they stray into territory the players may not enjoy. Possible Lines or Veils could include (but is not limited to) stuff like: infestations, parasitism, copulation/reproductive strategies, deep ocean, gore, etc.

Messages In This Thread
Exquisite Biome - an ecosystem-crafting game - by Schazer - 04-16-2024, 04:45 AM