The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5

The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
>No One: Has anything to add.
>This Meeting: Be adjourned.
>Adler: Your followers are prepped and ready to head home. You send a detachment of ixies and the trees already know to defend them. You decide to have Burnside escort them as well. They probably don't need the extra protection, you just kinda want a break from her for a while. For the time being, Burnside is best in small doses. Heh, "small". She'd probably slit your throat, or someone else's, if she heard you say that out loud, though.
>Rebecca: You struggle to contain your excitement, but you are practically bouncing around with giddiness. Real magic and you don't have to get covered in guts or feel bad about it. Becoming Seelie was the best decision you ever made.
>Vernier: Before you leave, you tell Adler how relieved you are that he is safe and sound. You also thank him for letting you help.
>Adler: She's thanking you for allowing her to help you? You're flattered, but customarily speaking, it is you who should be expressing gratitude to her.
>Vernier: Yes, it's silly, but you really just can't put into words how happy you are to finally be helping someone and, for the first time, you're not afraid that everything will go horribly wrong. You really do believe that Adler will succeed and that makes you feel like you're finally doing something worthwhile.
>Burnside: Blech. Gag you with a spoon. How sappy can you get?
>Adler: You shoot Burnside a warning glare.
>Burnside: Eep!
>Adler: It takes every ounce of your willpower to stop yourself from swooning over Vernier's words. You maintain what you hope is your confident composure and assure her that you are grateful for her help and you, probably, wouldn't have made it this far without her.
>Adler: Once your guests and their guards depart, your fatigue and exhaustion finally catches up to you and you fall back onto the soft grass. Your remaining ixies ask if you are alright and if you need anything, but you tell them you are fine. You just need to rest for a bit and collect your thoughts. When Burnside and your ixies get back, you'll send a messenger out to fetch Oak and then you'll use Burnside to test if the trees can detect elfmind. For now, you'll just rest for a bit...

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