The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5

The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
>Adler: In a very focused manner you once again relay the established plan for the benefit of your followers (but mostly for the benefit of the readers). Vernier will tell tales of your deeds and establish lore to people who will in turn tell the stories to others, Lysander and Ash are allegedly doing the same thing, those two are also researching the whereabouts of this Zandar woman you need to crown you, Lana is now also allegedly looking for her as well.
>Rebecca: Wow, Adler sure has a lot of "allies" that he can't trust. Has it always been like that?
>Adler: Yeah, pretty much. BUT! That's going to change. You have these two plus all your oath-sworn, gambling addict ixies, and potentially many more. Once your tales spread and "worthy" people come looking for an audience for you, you can discern who would be most loyal and make them your agents. These agents will also spread your legends and would be scouring the earth looking for Zandar. With so many people working for you, the plan has to succeed.
>Vernier: It's a cunning and creative plan. Has Adler changed his mind on how to handle things like food and water?
>Adler: No, you believe your previously established plan will suffice. However, you are simply so focused right now that you will restate it anyway. Vernier will continue to periodically bring you food, drink, and news. She will be payed for her efforts and you shall have the forest create a quick and easy path that will be so well hidden that only Vernier, and by extension Rebecca, will know about it. During your time alone, you will practice your new powers of conjuring things from nowhere. You will also need to practice the method of controlling the time slips Ash gave you. It seems to work to an extent, as both times you jumped through the gate only a few weeks went by instead of months or years. Maybe now that you have a firmer understanding you can apport books on the subject and actually be able to read them. You will have your ixies warn Vernier when you test this out so she doesn't waste food during your absence. On the note of time travel. Vernier has been the most exemplary companion and agent you've ever had. Should she wish it, you are still willing to use your transmogrification powers to keep her young and in her prime for as long as she desires.
>Vernier: You'll have to think about it. It all sounds so very strange and fantastical. And that's coming from someone helping an elf start a cult.
>Adler:No-no she should definitely think about it. Big decisions and such. And finally, you wish to have a meeting with Oak Marten to see if there's anything you can do to help repair the damage done to her family as a result of their service to you and to see if any of the mare still interested in working as your agents. Internally: and so you can warn Oak not to trust Ash. You'll need to find out if trees can hear/intercept elf mind. Oh right, also Rebecca should stay here for a time so you can tutor her until she can pursue her studies on her own. That is, unless she made a breakthrough while you were gone and can do so right now?
>(It seems that the story is getting to a point soon where the author can fast-forward things until the next point of interest.)
. . . .

>One Audience Member to Another: "All this exposition. I feel like he's patronizing us."
>Adler: "Quiet, you!"

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