The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5

The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5

Quote:>Adler: Fuma's sake. Please shut this smug lamb up.


"Y-YOU SHUT UP!!" I screeched tearfully as I straddled Lana, pinned her wrists down with my knees, and grabbed her by the horns. "I was already working toward my destiny until you showed up and ruined everything!!"

She just scowled and blinked at me, so I shook her head and bellowed "You swore you wouldn't hurt me, and already -"

"I swore I would not harm you," she interrupted coolly. "And hurt feelings are not real harm. Show me where you're wounded. Show me how in all of Fuma's creation this so-called injury can be healed. There's no bandage, no splint, no plaster - and even if there was, where would you put it? Hate to be the one to break it to you, kiddo. You think you're the only one whose heart has ever been broken? The Sisterhood took everything from me. After I was done crying, I realized the only way to go was forward. You get over it. You grow up. You make a new future with what you have, and you don't get hurt again. Sentimentality is nothing but a weakness to be used against you."

I let go and backed away, suddenly horrified by the cold, distant look in the Floozy's eyes.

Quote:Maybe put a geas on her so she turns into the old crone when she disobeys you and changes back to normal when she obeys you. If she bails on you to tattle to the sisterhood, her creaky old bones would make the journey a lot more treacherous and if she doesn't make it, that's her fault.

"I should do something to make you as ugly on the outside as you are on the inside," I muttered. "Then people would know to be careful around you."

"Anyone with sense knows that already," she stated dully.

"I could place a geas on you so you'll turn into a hideous old crone if you disobey me," I threatened.

"Go for it," she sighed. "That geas will be difficult to construct, and 'disobedience' can be construed in so many ways, I'm sure my beauty will never be in danger. They teach sophistry at the Academy, and I got top marks."

Quote:All their plans fail without you. Plus, if the sisterhood is really as ruthless as Lana claims, if she fails her mission and she technically hasn't succeeded, it'll probably be her head on a chopping block.

"My mental health should be your highest priority," I insisted. "Without me, all of the Sisterhood's plans will fail. Since you're my contact, they will certainly hold you responsible if I give in to despair."

"If you just want to be happy and have an easy time of it," Lana explained irritably, "you should have let me use my Wiles to take your mojo. Trust me, you could wallow in constant pleasure and not have to worry about a thing. The Sisterhood was fully prepared to handle every detail for you. But NOOO, you have to have it all YOUR way."

Quote:get her to back off and understand that you're in charge of your destiny, not her.

"That's right," I snapped. "I am the destined Emperor and I - not you - I alone am in charge of my fate."

"Fine. Give me some orders so I can start obeying them."

"You're a menace," I snarled. "I don't want you anywhere near me. Your orders are to go and locate Zandar Skönk. Do NOT contact her. Do not let anyone in the Sisterhood contact her. Just find out where she is. Return here only when you have that information, and at that time the ONLY thing you will do in my presence is tell me where Zandar is."


"Okay, Your Highness," she said cheerily, suddenly springing up from the ground and sauntering off toward the trees. "Consider it done."


"Pssst," somebody whispered as the sound of Lana's little bell receded into the distance. I turned to see Burnside peeking out from behind a menhir. "You want me to go after her?"
The Ballad of Adler Young: Silly furry elf adventure. Read the RECAP:
Steampup: Surreal dog-headed Victorian adventure.  Winterbough Saga Wiki:  Everything we know about Faerie, its history & inhabitants.
See an edited recap of Zandar's Saga, and new pages at my Patreon.  Peruse original music at Bandcamp.
*Adorable plum-munching Mavis avatar by the incomparable Tronn.

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