The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5

The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
>Adler: How dare she! She barges into your life, attacks your student, puts a knife to your throat, mocks and berates you, threatens to turn you into a mindless puppet, and now she intends to blackmail you into having venery with her? Has she no shame or self-awareness? And the very fact that she is trying to give herself a high seat of power in you plans rather than the sisterhood's shows that despite her words your plan does have a good chance of succeeding! She would be your "loyal" Prime Minister? Like how she was loyal to your brother? You still haven't forgotten that the sisterhood MURDERED YOUR BROTHER.
>Lana: What's this? The pampered little princeling is finally acting like  he cares about someone other than himself? Color yourself impressed. He's finally discovered another basic emotion, you'd give him a gold star if you had one. Adler should know damn well why he had to die. Even if he could be convinced to abdicate the  throne peacefully, there can be no loose ends. Even so, not only was he a terrible emperor, he was just a terrible person in general. The sisterhood would have killed him on principal.
>Adler: You silently glare at Lana as you grit your grit your teeth and your blood begins to boil.
>Lana: And yes, you are blackmailing Adler. You need to make sure that he completes his destiny even if he abandons the sisterhood, and should you happen to greatly benefit in the process, well, that's just a perk. And on the topic of blackmail, you could just beat Adler unconscious and take what you need, and maybe enjoy it in the process, but that would spoil his looks and that would be a tragedy since his looks are all he has going for him. Well, since Adler is such a big grown-up prince now that's learned to care about other people, maybe he would be more inclined to take your offer if you tied him up and stepped out and had a word with that stupid rabbit you left drooling in the clearing. You just so happen to know the technique "Ash" taught Adler. It would be easy. Perhaps you could slit her throat or break her neck. Although, all of Adler's whining has put you in a bad mood. Maybe you'll carry her out in the woods, hide her in a place she'll never be found, and break all her limbs so she slowly dies of agonizing starvation.
>Adler: Don't you dare!
>Lana: Oh, he doesn't like that? Maybe then he should just shut up and take what you're offering him. Maybe you'll even pay that little skunk lady he's been fawning over a visit. This is the difference between Adler and the sisterhood. Adler claims he wants autonomy, but he lacks planning and follow-through. The sisterhood has been planning this for longer than he'll ever understand. The only reason Adler was born is because the sisterhood willed it. He BELONGS to the sisterhood. And the sisterhood knows well enough to leave no loose ends. That girl is a loose end. What was her name? "Vernier"? Adler made her a loose end. You could just kill her and be done with it, but that would be to simple an end. Maybe you'll ruin her reputation and have her driven out of town, ostracized from society. Dying in an alleyway somewhere in a puddle of her own tears while cursing Adler's name. Dying as a toothless harlot that would sell herself to anyone for a scrap of food.
>Adler: Something in you snaps as white-hot rage takes over. You feel the warrior fury of Irenaeus pulsing through you as you lunge forward and your fist connects with Lana's face with more strength or force than you've ever had before. Pain shoots up your arm as you hear a loud crunching sound, not from your fist but from Lana's nose. As she is knocked backwards you stumble away and check to make sure you didn't break anything. When you look back at her she is nursing her crumpled, bleeding nose and spits out a handful of her own teeth. She shoots you a murderous glare.

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