The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5

The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5

Quote:Quick, twist her pinkie.. uh... nail? hoof? thing? So the pain will let her drop you and if you can also use your other hand to grab her wrist so you can control at least that hand do not do the mistake of grabbing both hands as one hand free means she will instinctively use that one hand to attack you and that's what you want, grabbing both hands and getting hoof-kicked in the chest would be painful.

Ha! My pathetic squealing and writhing in pain had lulled Lana into a false sense of security! She had made a grave tactical error by assuming I was defeated and leaving my hands free. Once again using Adoyret Sam's combat training, I grabbed her hoof and her wrist and began to twist. Ideally the pain would make her let go, and she would instinctively try to attack with her free arm. That was what I wanted. If she started kicking, I was done for.


"Knock it off!" Lana grumbled, awkwardly kicking and stomping on me. "I don't intend to hurt you any more - at least not til after we've talked - but I will if you keep misbehaving."

"Don't take me in there!" I pleaded as she dragged me toward the Gate. "I can't afford a time skip right now!"

"I've already explained why our conference must take place in the tower anteroom," she growled.

"At least let me do a stabilizing ritual! PLEASE!!"

With an unladylike grunt, Lana heaved me through the Gate.


"MY PLANS!!" I sobbed. "YOU'VE RUINED EVERYTHING!!!" What was going to happen to Vernier and Rebecca if I was absent for several days? Or weeks? Or MONTHS?

"Get a hold of yourself," Lana snapped. "Be an elf. Stop this disgraceful behavior. Your plans are no good for two reasons: Number one, they are yours. Number two, they involve lowfolk."

"Those lowfolk serve me," I insisted.

"Hmph," Lana snorted. "Who is serving whom? You're teaching one of them magick, and fawning over the other like a love-besotted fool. Lowfolk femmes are an elf mel's greatest weakness. They will surely be your undoing."


"Well, what do you want?" I sighed, as Lana perched daintily on the bottom step of the staircase, and I sat on the floor beside her. "What do you intend to do?"

"I already told you," she stated haughtily. "Weren't you listening? I intend to complete the mission Thomson abandoned when she betrayed the Sisterhood. Don't you remember? Thomson spilled the beans in complete detail."

"A lot of things have happened since then," I protested. "I was kinda busy dealing with my banishment and imprisonment, not to mention having an existential crisis over constantly being used as a pawn by EVERYONE!"

"Oh please," Lana scoffed. "Don't try to play the victim. Your destiny was all laid out for you, and the only reason it turned sour was because of your own stubborn resistance! For someone who claims to be Seelie, you have a pesky habit of only thinking about yourself. Fine, I'll remind you: My mission is to take some of your vital essence, or 'mojo' to use the vernacular. I am to leave you just enough so you'll be able to produce heirs, but not enough that you'll be able to rebel. The Sisterhood wants you obedient. You have proven incapable of making decisions for yourself."

"I am the Scion of Irenaeus!" I declared indignantly. "It is my destiny, declared by Fuma herself, to save Faerie! Taking away my autonomy is tantamount to blasphemy against the Lady herself!"

"On the contrary," Lana retorted. "The prophecy, like all prophecies, is vague regarding circumstances. As long as it happens and you are a crucial part of it, the prophecy will be fulfilled. We are actually going to HELP you realize your destiny."

"Well then why are you trying to foil my plans?" I demanded. "Believe it or not, I am headed in that direction!"

"We remain skeptical," Lana sniffed. "The Sisterhood has concluded that your plans are too slow at best, and counterproductive at worst. It would be preferable if we take charge. But, I am allowed some leeway in how I conduct my mission. A king who's a completely mindless puppet isn't much fun. I reviewed the transcript of your conversation with Ash -"

"Have I no privacy at all?" I blurted, outraged.

"You would if you took steps to secure it," she replied. "Stop interrupting. I reviewed the transcript, and you made a compelling point about being worthy of the crown by earning it through your own efforts, instead of letting someone else do the work for you. We agree, this would be best. But we aren't sure you are capable, and we are getting extremely impatient with the pace you are taking."

"Well why don't you help me instead of impeding me?" I implored. "Just by dragging me in here, you've set back my plans by weeks - perhaps longer."


"Whatever Fuma has decreed for you, the Sisterhood fully intends to have a secure place in it," Lana stated smugly. "Demonstrate your competence, and you shall have our support. Here is the bargain I am authorized to make: You and I shall have venery in a no-holds-barred contest of wills and Wiles. I shall try to steal your mojo, as I explained earlier. If I succeed, the Sisterhood takes over and we achieve your destiny our way. If you can prevent me, then I must bow to your superiority and shall thenceforth serve as your loyal Prime Minister."
The Ballad of Adler Young: Silly furry elf adventure. Read the RECAP:
Steampup: Surreal dog-headed Victorian adventure.  Winterbough Saga Wiki:  Everything we know about Faerie, its history & inhabitants.
See an edited recap of Zandar's Saga, and new pages at my Patreon.  Peruse original music at Bandcamp.
*Adorable plum-munching Mavis avatar by the incomparable Tronn.

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