The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5

The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
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"Here I am," someone said as she grabbed me from behind and held a knife to my throat. A bell tinkled very close by.

Quote:How was she able to get past your defenses? Tell the trees to stop her!
>Trees: You can't. She knows the secret phrase that forces you to stand down.
>Adler: How! If it's so Fuma-damned secret, how does she know!?
>Miss Thompson: Ash told you.

"Minister Lynne?" I gulped. With that woolly smell, the deceptively soft voice, the tantalizing curves pressed against me, and of course the little bell, it had to be her. I should have known! "How did you get here?"

"It's just Lana now, thanks to you," she snarled. "As to how I got here, obviously I crept. The mushroom stealth technique you developed is surprisingly effective."

"I can see how that would work on me and my Ixies," I admitted. "But the trees? They should have stopped you." I had to keep her talking while I figured out what to do!

"I know secret phrases to command the forest," Lana gloated.

"How do you know that??" I spluttered. It seemed my arboreal defenses could be penetrated by pretty much ANYBODY. "Did Ash tell you?"

"Your Doctor Cesawonki?" Lana laughed. "Please. The Sisterhood has made bargains reaching back long before his time. The trees bear an obligation to us that supersedes any instructions you or he may have given them."

"Okay then, why are you here?" I asked, playing for time.

"Surely you can guess," Lana snorted. "It shouldn't be hard even for you to figure out! I am here to complete the mission Ms. Thomson abandoned when she turned traitor! Asking the Sisterhood to find info on 'Ash' was a tactical error on your part. After letting us know that you were still alive, and exactly where you were, did you not think we would send someone out to get you? This is exactly why the so-called 'Scion of Irenaeus' can't be left to his own devices. It's like watching a brain-dead infant wander through a field strewn with traps. After all the time and energy we invested in you, I have to say you've been a big disappointment."

"It will be impossible to restore the Empire if you assassinate me," I pointed out. "I'm the only one left ... unless you count Bodb and Matholwch, but surely ..."

"The Duchess will be difficult to negotiate with, it's true," Lana admitted thoughtfully. "Speaking of Antgladers, I see you are still associating with that trashy raccoon, but interestingly there is no sign of Thomson. I was at first tempted to think you got tired of her and sent her away, but no. You are still keeping Burnside around, which shows that your taste in company has not improved. And now I see you're also hanging out with lowfolk, of all things."

"They are useful to me," I replied, trying to make it sound Unseelie.

"Indeed," Lana sneered. "So where is Thomson anyway?"

"I have no idea," I shrugged. Was Lana's grip around me relaxing? "Frankly I'm amazed that Burnside survived. They were both on the field when I ACCIDENTALLY released the Plague of Battles."

"The best thing you ever did, and it wasn't even on purpose," Lana sighed. "Ah well, most likely that twice-failed two-bit floozy failed yet again and was gruesomely slain in battle. Dying a traitor's death; it's a shame I didn't get to see it."


This was my chance! As Lana's attention wavered, I used a move Adoyret Sam had taught me to twist free of her grip. As I spun, I swiped at her with the arrow in my hand, but it glanced harmlessly off her horns. However, she was so startled that she dropped her dagger. I immediately apported it away to a random location and stepped back, nocking my arrow and aiming directly at her heart.


"Impressive," Lana chuckled as she cracked her hooves. "I heard that the Adoyret had taught you a few things, and I see his efforts were not wasted. This might even be fun. Think you can take me on, little princeling? See if you can ring my bell."

She lunged at me and I shot my bow, but she somehow deflected the arrow aside and tackled me to the ground.


We wrestled for what seemed like a long time, although probably it was just a few minutes. She seemed to be everywhere at once. I scratched and kicked and bit, using all of Sam's training. I managed to ring Lana's little bell several times, but alas, I could not land a decisive blow. She was just too slippery!


"Pretty good," she said when it was over, as she dragged me by my ear towards the dolmen. "Could be better, but honestly not bad. I'll have to re-evaluate you. We'll talk in the antechamber, away from any eavesdroppers ... because unlike some people, I take care not to have my plans overheard."
The Ballad of Adler Young: Silly furry elf adventure. Read the RECAP:
Steampup: Surreal dog-headed Victorian adventure.  Winterbough Saga Wiki:  Everything we know about Faerie, its history & inhabitants.
See an edited recap of Zandar's Saga, and new pages at my Patreon.  Peruse original music at Bandcamp.
*Adorable plum-munching Mavis avatar by the incomparable Tronn.

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