The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5

The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5

Quote:>Rebecca: Explain where you are having trouble. The Lorum Ipsum text is back. You have an idea of what the passage before might mean, but so far all your speculations have been wrong.
>Adler: Now, now; you want to hear her theory, it might be closer to the mark than she thinks.
>Rebecca: Your theory is off, but not completely wrong.
>Adler: Give her encouragement that she's getting closer. Give her a scholarly but easy to understand explanation of what she's missing.


"Now then," I said, turning back to Rebecca. "Where are you having trouble in the book?"

"Here," she explained, indicating the page. "The text of the Overspell appears again."

"What of the passage before it?" I asked leadingly as I quickly skimmed the text. It was a much-debated section among Mephitist scholars, which seemed to be an excerpt from an unrelated lecture on insects.

"I have an idea what it might mean," Rebecca shrugged, "but so far my theories have been wrong."

"I'll let you in on a little secret," I whispered conspiratorially. "Our own theologians are somewhat baffled by this passage, so your theory might be closer to the mark than you think. Let's hear it."

"Okay, I think Reynard is saying that those little ladybug-fairies like the ones betting on the Raccoon Monster ... they work for you, I think? Anyway, he's saying that they are sorta like semi-divine messengers of Fuma and should be treated with due respect rather than overlooked like they usually are."

"It's an interesting and plausible theory," I admitted, after staring at the page and thinking about it for a few seconds. "One which I doubt the learned doctors ever proposed. Most elves actually don't seem to be very aware of the existence of Ixies. However, after observing their behavior for many years I would find it very difficult to believe that they were sacred envoys of the Lady. I think if you look a little closer, you'll find that Reynard is talking about feral beetles. It's a subject that seemed to obsess him in the final chapters of the book."

Quote:>Rebecca: After a few moments of consideration, the next part of the book becomes legible to you.

"Hmmm," Rebecca murmured as she flipped back a few pages and re-read. "Yes, I see. I was thinking too magical and ignoring the more obvious, mundane interpretation. AHA! The Overspell text is gone and I can read the next section now!"

"Excellent," I beamed. My student was doing so well! "I'll leave you to it then."

Quote:Before Adler leaves, that hand thing he did, will you be able to do things like that.
>Adler: Internally- Can lowfolk perform magic? It would make for an interesting experiment to find out. It will surely upset her if it turns out that she can't. You'll need to think of a way to keep her from becoming disenfranchised if it turns out she can't. Outwardly- We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. Before you can teach her any of the big stuff, she has to learn the bare basics before she ever hopes to get to that point.
>Rebecca: Upon hearing this, you immediately return to absorbing this sacred book of elf lore. Being able to do magic has been your greatest dream since you were a child.

"Wait, my Lord," she blurted hastily. "That spell you cast on the Raccoon Monster ... will I be able to do things like that? I don't mean the Orgasmic Touch specifically - though it could be quite handy - but just magic in general. Will I be able to do magic for real?"

"Well ..." I mused thoughtfully. Was it possible for lowfolk to perform magick? According to the tales, it was. They were never as powerful as elves, of course, but lowfolk were reputedly able to learn basic Gramarye. The Old Crow was said to be quite competent at spellcasting, and a fairly advanced alchemist. "It's possible. But you have a lot to learn first."

Rebecca grinned with delight and resumed her reading.

Quote:>Adler: With Rebecca taken care of for now, you return to Vernier. As you pass Burnside, she begins to babble incoherently. That was a heavy zap you gave her. Hopefully you didn't cause any permanent brain damage. Wait, is that bird weaving twigs in her hair?
>Ixies: Argue amongst yourselves if babbling counts as being awake.


Now at last I could resume my very important conversation with Vernier. As I walked past Burnside, she sighed and mumbled something that sounded like "More hot sauce, Cletus."

"I win," one of the Ixies called out.

"Delirious babbling counteth not," another protested. "She must be fully awake."

"Get off her!" another Ixie demanded. "Thou'rt cheating!"

"So is yon bird, yet thou protestest not."

"The bird hath not placed a wager and thus standeth not to rob me of my hard-earned aphids!"
The Ballad of Adler Young: Silly furry elf adventure. Read the RECAP:
Steampup: Surreal dog-headed Victorian adventure.  Winterbough Saga Wiki:  Everything we know about Faerie, its history & inhabitants.
See an edited recap of Zandar's Saga, and new pages at my Patreon.  Peruse original music at Bandcamp.
*Adorable plum-munching Mavis avatar by the incomparable Tronn.

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