The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5

The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
>Adler: You are very pleased to see Burnside working with the ixies to clean the forest up of all that black cloth debris. Surely this is a step in the right direction. You're absolutely sure you'll have Burnside as a well-adjusted, non-homicidal member of society in no time! Ah, but you can work more on that later. Your precious damsel needs your attention. Ask how she is feeling.
>Vernier: You've calmed down enough to be self conscious and embarrassed.
>Adler: You feel the need to apologize. It seems that you have been thoughtless in the way you have been piling responsibilities on her. You never really considered how you had been taking her help for granted. Running a business, a cult, rationing food for you, keeping track of your enemies, fighting an information war, and dealing with two hostile organizations is a lot to dump on one person.
>Vernier: Adler really shouldn't have to apologize, you did volunteer for this after all, you also did put on the air that you could handle any assignment he gave you. Also, you think he might be taking his new role as a pseudo-therapist a little to literally. Is this reclining couch he conjured up for you, that armchair he's sitting in, and notepad he's writing in really necessary?
>Adler: . . . Yes. Yes they are. But that's besides the point. This was a learning experience fore all parties involved. It was foolish of you to put all your resources in one place. The new plan you have made with Vernier is a much better one. Spreading stories of your deeds and possible rewards for people who do you services and good works in your name is a much better way to create an amorphous following that cannot be quelled in a single place.
>Vernier: See? You should be apologizing to Adler, not the other way around. It should have occurred to you that-
>Adler: Stop her right there. The blame rests squarely on your head. The position you placed her in your organization was akin to a high-priestess/employee. The well being of your followers and organization is your responsibility. You put your stamp of approval on the hair cult and the goals to which they worked towards were of your design. You put them in a volatile situation and then left them twisting in the wind.
>Vernier: Yes, but-
>Adler: After listening to Vernier's life story, it seems she is convinced that this is yet another failure that she is responsible for. However, might it be possible that in her grief over her failures, that she is focusing so hard on them that it seems there is nothing else. You speak from experience here, as you have done the same thing in your darkest moment. Is she focusing so hard on her failures that she has forgotten or doesn't see the times she has actually succeeded in helping someone?
>Vernier: . . .

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