The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5

The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
>Adler: "How dare you!" You were trained in secret by the best tutors in the empire! You have gone on many adventures and learned many things! From which ivory tower is "Dr. Cesawonki" the banished and forgotten by history standing in that he can cast judgement on you and deem you unwise? You are not a fool! What exactly can Ash point at that gives him the gall to label you such?
>Vernier and Rebecca: You both takes a step back as the two elves begin raising their voices.
>Ash: Adler's entire life story, in case he's forgotten. All Adler's adventures prove is that he lacks foresight, judgement, planning, and even basic problem solving. The one saving grace that gives Adler even a sliver of merit for the throne is the fact he is the scion of Iraneous. As hard to believe as that is. If Adler truly is going to be emperor, he'd better be a damn good one.
>Adler: This is infuriating. Why does Ash even care? If he truly thinks you are a fool, he should be overjoyed. If Ash helps put a fool on the throne he could easily manipulate you like every other bastard in your life.
>Ash: You care because Faerie needs a good emperor. If even half the things you've heard are accurate, Faerie is sinking into a new dark age, if it isn't already in one. Faerie needs a good emperor because it hasn't had one in a long time. You have been forced to live among the lowfolk for a long time, and you have watched their march of progress. You hate lowfolk, all elves should hate lowfolk. They are coarse, lowly, vulgar, short-lived creatures that are barely a step above animals. Forcing an elf to live among lowfolk is like sealing a beautiful dove inside a barrel of cockroaches. And yet, in some tangled thread of fate, in the great game of civilization, the lowfolk are winning. They're figuring out mass production, they are rewriting the book of warfare with their firearms, and their creature comforts grow by the day. Meanwhile Faerie is in a downward spiral and falling apart at the seams. Every bit of progress they make, every step they take towards the future is a slap in the face of elves everywhere. The status quo is destroyed. This must be fixed.

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RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - by a52 - 09-30-2016, 04:05 AM
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5 - by typeandkey - 10-19-2021, 11:20 AM