The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5

The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5

Quote:>Burnside: Looks like Ash is trying to convert Adler to the Unseelie side. That's a hobby of his. Darn good at it too. Adler should give it a try, he'll have more fun and get more done.
>Adler: Oh great, that's just what you need in your life, yet another crazy old fox trying to mentor you. That makes, what, three now?


"Yes, the stew is almost ready," I replied. "But what's that to you? Surely you don't think you'll be getting any."

"Ol' Ash'll convert you to the Unseelie way," Burnside chuckled. "He's a bona-fide expert. You thought you were gainin' the upper hand didn't you? Thought you were finally gettin' in control o' thangs. Nope. Ash was a-pullin the strangs the whole time. Sooner you give in, the sooner you can start gettin' stuff done an' havin fun."

"That's just what I need," I snorted. "Another crazy old fox trying to mentor me. This will be, what, the third one? No thanks. He's wasting his time."

"We'll see," Burnside remarked thoughtfully. "Might as well untie me. I done my part an' they don't have no more need of me. Just gimme some stew an' I promise I'll be good an' do your biddin. Elves don't lie, not even the Unseelie ones."

"Yes, let's have some stew," Lysander chimed in as he sniffed the steam rising from the cauldron. "You say there's no lizard in it, right?"

Quote:>They want stew, do they ?
>First, a grammayre (that should be very very very very simple given your stew almost alredy do this): Anyone that eat that stew (except you) will enter an altered state of conciousness and be very very pliant and suggestible.

I briefly thought of using a Gramarye to give the stew hypnotic properties so I could place these two completely in my thrall, but it would be hard to pull off with them standing right there watching me. Besides, it would be redundant since Burnside had already promised to do my bidding, and Lysander was still bound by a "contract" which apparently was the lowfolk equivalent of a solemn & sacred oath, which he would not dare to break. Furthermore, hypnotizing them was clearly Unseelie and I wasn't going to go down that path!

So I just apported some bowls and let Lysander spoon out helpings while I untied Burnside.

Quote:>Everyone: Start eating stew.
>Lysander: This stew is good. You're doubly glad there's no reptile in it.
>Adler: As much as you don't like Lysander, you're always happy to recieve compliments on your stew. It's not easy making bugs taste good.

"Mmm," Lysander mumbled as he doled out a second bowlful for himself. "This stew is really good. It reminds me in a way of a banana chowder my mother used to make. I'm glad you didn't put lizard in it. Not many people around here are that considerate. Yes, it really tastes great. I guess you're maybe not so bad after all, Mr. Elf."

"Why thank you," I beamed, strangely pleased by the monkey's compliments. "It's not easy making bugs and moss taste good."


"PHHHHT," Lysander replied.
The Ballad of Adler Young: Silly furry elf adventure. Read the RECAP:
Steampup: Surreal dog-headed Victorian adventure.  Winterbough Saga Wiki:  Everything we know about Faerie, its history & inhabitants.
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*Adorable plum-munching Mavis avatar by the incomparable Tronn.

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