The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5

The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5

Quote:>Adler: Glare at the Ixies. Typantronn Smuchpepper Santocup, you stop betting on the humiliation of your beloved lord and master and..uh... grand grandfather, right now !
>"No". You may (mostly) fidelly serve him now ut the betting is sacred. Also you're making like so many aphids with that...


"TYPANTRONN SMUCHPEPPER SANTOCUP!" I bellowed. "You have been warned repeatedly about betting on the humiliation of your lord and master! When are you going to stop?"

"Never, Sire," Typantronn answered sassily. "We serve thee more faithfully in more ways than ever our dams did, and we always shall - but the betting is a sacred tradition, not to be hindered. Besides, I am verily making out like a bandit. Why quit when I keep on winning, winning, winning??"

Quote:>Vernier: Pat adler back, next time, next time the venery will be great and steamy (you hope)
>Vernier: After hearing Adler's sad story ... You kinda want to nurse him.
>Vernier: Before you get into that, first you're going to need to ask him about what he thinks of lowfolk.

"I'm surprised at the level of insubordination among your troops," Vernier observed. "There are lots of ways of establishing discipline which I could teach you. And tangential to that, perhaps next time we can ruin the field commander's lucky streak by having some great venery. But I have to ask you, how do you really feel about us so-called 'lowfolk'?"

"You are alluring but dangerous," I remarked before turning back to the Ixies. "Tell me more about this doomsday weapon. What exactly does it do?"

Quote:>It does rpobaly commes from the Duchess o,Daisy plans tho, so that meas he must be in cocntact with her or her minions.
>Ixies: Give Adler a brief but informal account about the weapon you saw.
>Adler: This could be useful and give you an edge. Have your ixies covertly steal the weapon so that you and/or your followers can use it. Your current followers may not be trained fighters, but you might have some eventually. At the very least you can learn to use it. These new weapons may spit in the face of the elven tradition of combat, but who cares? If you're going to be forced into a destiny, you'll do it your way. You will take every advantage you can get. You'll have to find someway to be defiant or else you'll loose your mind.
Adler: You think this Lysander could be very useful so maybe the Ixies should not steal this weapon, a lowfolk with connections is required to arm your cult. Tell the Ixies to find some of his hairdressing cult members and get one of them to convince Lysander to come into the woods for a meeting with a very wealthy buyer, if they need to give the man incentive you pook a bag of gold coins to give to one of the cultists.

"It is one of those exploding blam-tubes which hurleth a deadly missile out of the blamming end."

"I've seen those before, at the O'Daisies manufactory," I observed.

"O, but Sire, this one consisteth of TWO tubes, connected so artfully together that they may be carried as one. With it, one may deal out a double death to one's adversaries. Both tubes may be blammed in concert, or indeed they may be blammed separately: One for now, and another for later, with no need to re-charge the device betwixt the two blams!"

"That could be useful," I mused aloud. "Not for me, of course. Even with two ready shots there's no way it could match the speed of my bow .. but lowfolk's archery skills are notoriously pitiful, so such a device could be a tactical boon for my followers! I need to speak to this Lysander fellow and see if he can supply us with some of these weapons! How long will he be in the area?"

"He usually stays in town for a few days or a week, depending on how good his business is," Vernier informed me.

"Could you talk to him and persuade him to come here?" I asked her.

"It would help to convince him if I had some gold, to show him you're a serious buyer," Vernier replied. "He won't want to come all the way out here unless he's sure of making a big sale."


Suddenly the trees rustled, and the Voice of the Forest whispered to me "Ash Marten says hello."
The Ballad of Adler Young: Silly furry elf adventure. Read the RECAP:
Steampup: Surreal dog-headed Victorian adventure.  Winterbough Saga Wiki:  Everything we know about Faerie, its history & inhabitants.
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*Adorable plum-munching Mavis avatar by the incomparable Tronn.

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