The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5

The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5

Quote:>No tell the trees to not go too crazy there, a few flesh wonds and the occasional broekn bones should do.
>Adler: If the trees leave any survivors, have him brought to you.


"Easy now," I cautioned the trees via Elfmind. "Try not to kill them. I want them to return to their village with tales of horror. A few bruises and broken bones should suffice, then hustle them on home."

"Those three in the front who fell," I shouted. "Bring their bodies into the circle so that I may decide their fate."

The cultists dragged the unconscious rabbits into the clearing.

Quote:>Now to punish the interlopers, you will curse them in a way that befit the god of a hairdressing cult


I pooked down to the ground and stood over the interlopers as I pondered what to do with them.

"Please be merciful," Rebecca whimpered. "That's my dad."

"I shall not harm him," I grumbled. "But he must be punished for daring to come here and interfere with my affairs."

Quote:>Well it' jsut as well that this rabbit girl isn't that much into evil, you dodn't want to get unseelie after all.
>To their leader who called you a little girl: A mass or adorable golden curls tied with big ribbons into adorable pigtails
>To the sneezing one: Ptemature partial baldness
>And to thugish one with the scythe: The worse haircut known to elf and lowfolk alike: The dreaded mullet.
If you can't plant a shoe on him then send him home, it would be a great way to implicate Jerry's shoe-cult. If no one has a shoe, and you really are dead set against producing one, you can just scramble his mind and have everyone chant "shoes" at him for a while.
>Adler: Now then, you're establishing this as a rule right now. Anyone who mistakes you for a little girl gets to be a little girl. Dispense justice on these three rabbits who dared question your manliness.


But what would be the most appropriate punishment? My first inclination was to play some traditional elfly pranks on them: Stitch their pants legs together, fill their pockets with porridge, and paint ridiculous patterns on their faces, then dump them somewhere deep in the forest where they would wake up disoriented and confused.

But that might not impress my followers, who were quietly watching me to see what I would do.

Transmogrifying them all would be too much hassle, and besides - as in Oak's case, it might wind up not being much of a punishment.

Perhaps I should try to frame Jerry's shoe cult for this? If I put shoes on the intruders and sent them packing with shoe-related chants ringing in their ears, then they would be certain to misplace the blame for their misadventure. But then again, would that just wind up bolstering the shoe cult's reputation? A furtive glance revealed no shoes on any of the feet I could see, and I was not about to magickally create shoes. Doing so would be disgraceful! And it would no doubt be doubly unwise to involve my new cult in any shoe-related rituals, even for the sake of obfuscation. No, these people were here for the sake of HAIR (except for Rebecca, who had come for the sake of evil but didn't seem very committed to the idea.)

This still left me in a quandary though. What would be a suitable hair-related punishment? Baldness? A mullet? Dreadlocks? What sort of impression would it leave on my followers if they saw me giving someone a BAD hairdo? Even if that person was my enemy? But if I gave them glamorous hairstyles, would that not be seen as a reward rather than a punishment?

I had to do SOMETHING! My cultists were watching, and I could sense them starting to become restless.
The Ballad of Adler Young: Silly furry elf adventure. Read the RECAP:
Steampup: Surreal dog-headed Victorian adventure.  Winterbough Saga Wiki:  Everything we know about Faerie, its history & inhabitants.
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*Adorable plum-munching Mavis avatar by the incomparable Tronn.

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