The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START]

The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START]
RE: The Restoration of Erihal [Signups!]
Name: Yahc Dr 'Jack' Kenal Brenbrest

Description: Entering his mid 30s, Dr J K Brenbrest is a rather lithe and bookish fellow and generally seen ensconced in a pile of theses, skulking about in various academic establishments or (most rarely) actually conducting fieldwork in his area of reputed expertise. Loves dressing up whenever he has an excuse but tends to be unkempt otherwise.

Skills: Apart from handiness with his air rifle and a vague ability to navigate day-to-day activities, Jack possesses Doctorates in 'Natural Philosophy' and 'Archaeology', though he refers to his informal pursuit of 'Parascientific Studies' more frequently. He can read and write in some of the languages of Erihal but with limited proficiency. While not physically gifted, he is agile and perceptive enough to generally avoid trouble before it can trouble him.

He also owns a well-trained white wolfdog called Glaski that is far cuter (and arguably more useful) than he is.

Culture/Homeland: While nominally Erihalese, there is a rather Imperial character about him and he tends to be rather patronising of his 'kin'. Some of his ancestors migrated to the larger cities in the Empire territory before the cataclysm happened and used their family wealth to fund (and run) an island colony for refugee families in the Refic Ocean. The Dinmori Isle Reservation had mixed results and Jack's parents moved back to the mainland before he was born, though he has since visited relatives there which helped inspire his interest and pursuit of the non-mundane.

History: Spending most of his life in the Empire, Jack's childhood was mostly uneventful apart from the boarding school, bullying and boredom that ensued. He performed academically enough to receive a scholarship and embark on a life of theorems, facts and reviewing research applications. Jack's fancier qualifications have been mostly wasted since he's employed mostly as a lecturer on mundane biology. His interests in the Unnatural and the Unknown has seen him travel across the known world in his down-time, though with more disappointment than discovery thus far.

Reason for joining the Resettlement: Eager to explore the 'ancient savagery' of his forebears, excavate abandoned sites and investigate the various theories surrounding the Erihalese Collapse, Dr Brenbrest managed to talk his way onto a boat bound for the League and into an expedition looking for a guide and expert on Erihalese ruins - presumably for looting purposes. While he does have some useful traits for both roles, he's struggling to conceal that he's just a massive nerd and way over his head.

[Image: jt0Cf7522wX9Gp-rLZuSVuS9drxEdxC7ZldowSZy...640-h80-no]

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Restoration of Erihal [Signups!] - by CSJ - 04-27-2020, 09:29 PM