The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5

The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5

Quote:>Angela: Considering you swore yourself exclusively into Adler's service, gave him critical information detailing the Vulp Republic's plans, and sabotaged some of their operations for Adler's benefit, and considering you are still technically an elf and cannot lie, whatever "Teh Plan" is, it doesn't seem to be working in the Republic's best interest.


"Thats watt U wood think but ud bee wrong LOL," Angela smugly stated, apparently in response to a comment that only she could hear. "Teh Plan is totes mysterious & inscrutable. It cant B scruted N its entirety, not even by teh wisest View Masters!! Ours is not 2 question Teh Plan but simply 2 do our part. Teh Plans plans will work out N teh fullness of time."

Quote:>Ixies: Continue your exposition dump while also giving Adler feedback on his decorating.
>Adler: Some of these, more of those, tilt this one a little, some good lighting over there, what do they think about a water feature?

"The rabbits forbid dancing and games," my Ixies informed me. "They do not allow any musical instruments, and the only songs permitted are religious hymns. They oppose venery outside of wedlock, and even within wedlock allow it only for the purpose of procreation."

"They sound downright anti-Mephitist," I remarked. "What do you think about a blackberry bush along that side, and a birdbath here, with a trellis behind it?"

"It seemeth a bit busy to me," Typantronn remarked. "But the shrub arrangement from this angle looketh excellent."

Quote:Angela: Oh god you are seeing... your superior standing not ten feet from you... holding a fly swatter, flee, FLEE!
Ixies: Restrain her, why does she keep doing this.


"AIEEE!! SALV CHESSWICK!!1!!!" Angela shrieked suddenly. "No, I swear I didnt blab anything of a confidential nature! Elfs do not lye!! NO PLEEZ, NOT TEH SWATTER!!!!!!1!"

"Can somebody take her someplace quiet where she can calm down?" I asked, testily. "Her inane jabbering is making it hard to concentrate on my work."

With a collective sigh, several Ixies gathered around Angela and escorted her a short way into the woods.

Quote:One tree is simply so overcome ... that he is reduced to ... weeping.


Once it got quiet, I realized I could hear the small spruce tree sobbing pathetically.

"Please put me back," it pleaded. "An ancient magick forbids us from growing within the circle. I'm too young to die!"
The Ballad of Adler Young: Silly furry elf adventure. Read the RECAP:
Steampup: Surreal dog-headed Victorian adventure.  Winterbough Saga Wiki:  Everything we know about Faerie, its history & inhabitants.
See an edited recap of Zandar's Saga, and new pages at my Patreon.  Peruse original music at Bandcamp.
*Adorable plum-munching Mavis avatar by the incomparable Tronn.

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