The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5

The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
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Quote:First order of business: you need more information. Have Oak tell you everything she knows about these rabbits and the rival shoe-cult run by... Wait. Shoes? Old Man Jerry? Oh no...
It's too risky to have the entire cult come up here to see you, perhaps if you just did an interview limited to the cult's most influential and most popular members so they can dispel the group's worries on your behalf.
>Okay, you're going to organise a "meet and greet your god" right here in this clearing
>Tell oak to start telling you about the followers', to tell you what they are like and what they want.

"What have I told you about gambling?" I snapped at my Ixies. "Hover around here and await further orders."


"Hmm," I muttered thoughtfully, turning back to Oak. "I need a clearer grasp of the situation before I can make a plan. Tell me about this cult of yours. How many members are there?"

"About twenty really committed, and that many more curious hangers-on," she replied.

"What about the rival shoe cult?"

"There are only about a dozen of them, but they are extremely fanatical. Plus, they have shoes. Really nice shoes. Crazy Jerry insists that they are elf-made, but how can that be? Are there other elves besides you?"

"None that would stoop to making shoes," I scowled. "Especially not for .. did you say Jerry? Fuma's Whiskers, I think I know him."

"We always thought he was harmless, but he's causing us quite a bit of trouble now. He is turning the heads of some of our newer converts and several who are on the fence. If we had a visitation from our Glorious Lord Ramble, it would allay a lot of fears and cement your followers' devotion."

Quote:Oak: "Oh Ramble you are the most generous Elf, well to the followers of our faith you are, please make a public appearance we need this for morale.
Adler: "You realize I am confined to this place, here I have an idea (pook Oak into your clothing and hairstyle to fool your followers)


"Well unfortunately I am under a geas that prevents me from leaving this circle," I admitted. "However, I could transmogrify you into a semblance of me, and you could address the cultists on my behalf. As my avatar, so to speak."

"NO WAY," Oak refused vehemently. "No offense, Your Lordship, but I've had enough transformations to last a lifetime. Plus, as gorgeous as your hair is, I cannot afford to lose my trademark curls. My business depends on them. They saved me from the shameful life of shadow-puppetry that Rowan fell into."

"Well that leaves us only one option," I concluded. "We will have to have a convocation, a sort of meet-and-greet here in the forest. Since I can't come to them, they must come to me."

"That's going to be tricky, my lord," Oak sighed. "The forest itself grows ever thicker, as if it is actively resisting intrusion .. and the rabbits are always watching its perimeter."

"Tell me about these rabbits."

"They aren't from here. They came from England, and I think before that they were somewhere in Europa. Their religion is very intolerant, which explains their migration, because nobody anywhere else could tolerate them. They impose their rules on everyone who crosses their path, whether you belong to their society or not. They've established a settlement on the edge of the tulgey wood and they seem to be here to stay. It has worked out so far because hardly anybody ever goes there, so the rabbits and the regular folk have no dealings with each other .. but it will be difficult to sneak twenty-plus people through their territory AND through the forest without them noticing. And when they learn that we're going to an ancient pagan monument for cultish purposes, well .. they'll completely flip."

"What about a smaller group?" I mused. "You could bring the three top cultists here to meet me. Who are the most devoted and deserving members?"

"Well .. Toby was our first convert. He's been with us the longest and is extremely devoted. Then there's Marsha, but she might not be fit to make the journey, so maybe Tabitha.."

"I don't need to be bothered with the details," I interrupted. "You just pick three members based on whatever criteria you deem appropriate. You're my High Priestess; I'm trusting you with this task. How soon can you make the selection and organize the outing?"

"Three days at the most."

"Very well, High Priestess Oak. You have your assignment. Return to me in three days' time."

Quote:>Once you get three that seem to be simple to handle, fool and grant the whishes off ith your resources, tell Oak they will be the 'derving ones' and they'll get to meet you... in three days for.. mystical reasons.
>You can't go back to faerie and take the risk of wasting twenty more year so Oak going to have to bring you a tent and some food so you can look good in three days.

"It shall be done, My Lord," Oak replied, her eyes gleaming after being called High Priestess.

"Oh, and one other thing," I blurted out as she turned away. "As I said, I can't leave this circle, and I probably should avoid returning to Faerie between now and the meet-up, because there's time-slippage involved in the use of the Gate. I can't risk missing the appointment. I'll need you to bring me some food to tide me over while I wait."

"Uh, I'm not sure that is feasible, My Lord," Oak replied. "As I mentioned, it's sort of tricky getting here, and I can't prepare the group excursion if I'm also running back and forth with picnic baskets. Can't you magick something up?"

"Ah yes, in all likelihood I can," I replied smugly. I pulled a gold bravo out of my Elfintory and handed it to her. "Here's something for your trouble. Now go."

Quote:>Adler: Have your Ixies gather Intel on these rival factions.
>Adler: Also, don't go back into Faerie until all your Ixies are back and you have a plan of action.
new and exciting bugs to devour, you think "RAMBLE" will like this.
(also get the ixies to spy on them to be sure of all the details she won't tell you)


"Ixies!" I hissed as Oak disappeared amidst the undergrowth. "I need you to gather intel on these two rival cults in Tulgeyside, and the strange rabbits she talked about. I must know everything she left out of her report. Also, bring me some food."

"Typantronn hath plenty of food, Sire," several Ixies pointed out.

"That's right," I sneered. "You owe your gambling winnings to me, anyway."

"Of course I will be glad to share my bounty with my Sire," Typantronn declared reluctantly.

"& I will stay & make sure U dont get lonely!!1!" Angela chirped.
The Ballad of Adler Young: Silly furry elf adventure. Read the RECAP:
Steampup: Surreal dog-headed Victorian adventure.  Winterbough Saga Wiki:  Everything we know about Faerie, its history & inhabitants.
See an edited recap of Zandar's Saga, and new pages at my Patreon.  Peruse original music at Bandcamp.
*Adorable plum-munching Mavis avatar by the incomparable Tronn.

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