Something Beautiful. (Planning 1/3 *update*)

Something Beautiful. (Planning 1/3 *update*)
Something Beautiful. (Planning 1/3)
[Image: ddp5gv8-6c5a7972-c3c0-4bef-9a50-ec1efa48...fHbGwejxZk]
[Image: ddpj43k-c227c4c0-ff02-4cd7-86e8-aa8a37a0...SzKP-ZcHxo]


[Image: ddpj45l-5e919930-d7e8-44da-8ae5-01f264de...FG0PscsGMQ]
You are the Demiurge of this universe and you just woke up.  You have a form now and although you're not quite sure of what you are, you know that it represents you perfectly.
[Image: ddpj4pi-705fc476-f1d4-490e-9707-51991dc9...5MWZ7m12lg]
It appears that you are not the only thing that exists in the universe anymore.
[Image: ddpj5dp-d6f9181a-bf31-439a-904d-d5335766...i_SFQ1PG9c]
These bright spheres are scattered all over the place now. They have weird stuff around them
and seem to be getting bigger. They look alright and all, but they don't do much. You expected to see a bit more.
You're getting kind of bored.
[Image: ddpj5ek-82050c48-0193-496c-b384-9524b1e1...Him--FmXss]
You wish there were others like you. It's not fun being the only conscious being in the universe. Will you be alone for the rest of your existence? So far the answer seems to be yes, but something tells you that it's your duty is to make other beings that can think . Somehow.
Maybe these big bright spheres can help you with that?
[Image: ddpt8ix-09553c97-33ca-4ee3-a366-38fe9d1b...h4iKyDDLp0]
You may not have a physical form anymore, but you're still very very powerful. 
Demiurges are not gods. They can't create things instantly. Rather, they can influence reality over time.
Sleeping is their power. When a Demiurge sleeps everything around them slowly starts to shift until it becomes as they envisioned it.
[Image: ddpt8k7-e5434a45-c4f0-4f24-bcbb-443a6620...SkMrCxGktg]
The stuff orbiting around this bright sphere is not very interesting right now, but maybe you can make into something better.

Each person can suggest a planet to be added to the solar system. Only one will have life on it, but every other planet will have its impact on the story as it progresses.
Your description doesn't have to be very detailed, It just has to provide basic information, but if you want to be more descriptive with your planet you're more than welcome to write as much as you please.
Here some questions that your planet description can answer in order to make things clear for me when I'll have to draw them later on.
How close is your planet to the sun? Is it big? Small? Average? Does it have moons? Does it have rings?
 Is it a gaseous planet or a terrestrial planet?
Example: This planet is very small and extremely close to the sun, but its surface isn't particularly hot. It is a terrestrial planet and Its surface is covered with craters. It has a thin atmosphere, and it doesn’t have any moons nor rings. This planet spins around very slowly but orbits very quickly due to how close it is to the sun.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Something Beautiful. (Start) - by typeandkey - 01-24-2020, 09:08 PM
RE: Something Beautiful. (Start) - by Sleepy - 01-31-2020, 06:14 AM
RE: Something Beautiful. (Start) - by Ten11 - 02-02-2020, 10:39 PM
Something Beautiful. (Planning 1/3) - by huggerspook - 02-06-2020, 08:56 PM