Something Beautiful. (Planning 1/3 *update*)

Something Beautiful. (Planning 1/3 *update*)
Something Beautiful. (Planning 1/3 *update*)
[Image: ddoyed6-8022568d-8ba4-4498-88b4-75d4744f...rCzR-LYWB0]
This universe is empty. This universe has always been like this, and it looks like nothing will ever change.
[Image: ddoyab7-ca532e04-ced4-483e-8e9c-3159e265...rfudNTiPeE]
Wait, what's that? It seems like something does exist after all. Oh, that just so happens to be you.
[Image: ddoyaay-a36cc9c1-0e24-45b6-92e0-43c204a4...sdWK_IWCjo]
You are the Demiurge of this universe: a godly being that has been asleep since this universe started to exist, which is forever.
You're going to wake up soon. Your awakening will create matter and start time.
Unfortunately, this will also cause you to lose your physical form. 
On the bright side, you'll become an incorporeal being that can take any form, even if it can't interact with the physical plane.

What form will you take?

Choose an Animal and a Colour.

Messages In This Thread
Something Beautiful. (Planning 1/3 *update*) - by huggerspook - 01-24-2020, 05:57 PM
RE: Something Beautiful. (Start) - by typeandkey - 01-24-2020, 09:08 PM
RE: Something Beautiful. (Start) - by Sleepy - 01-31-2020, 06:14 AM
RE: Something Beautiful. (Start) - by Ten11 - 02-02-2020, 10:39 PM