The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5

The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
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"An' has she brought a gaggle o' spies with her?" Estvan asked.

"No," I replied. "It looked like she was alone, angry, and yelling insults."

"Sure an they do that a lot," Estvan sighed. "Best go out an see what she wants. Pook roight in front o' her. That sometimes startles 'em so they forget what they were on about."

Quote:>Adler: Take Estvan's advice and pook in front of her.
>Rowan: You're so upset, you are completely unfazed. Start yelling at Adler.
>Rowan: What was Adler thinking!? That gold he gave you turned into twigs and leaves. It was supposed to turn into COOKIES AND BISCUITS!!!
>Adler: "I-You-Uh... What?"
>Rowan: The gold elves give to lowfolk is supposed to turn into cookies and biscuits! Like in all the old stories!


"Oh THERE you are, you poultroon! Buffoon! Bozo! Nincompoop!" she yelled as soon as I appeared.

"What seems to be the prob-" I started.

"That elf-gold you gave me, buster!" she snarled. "It turned into twigs and leaves and bits of dirt! You cheated me, you scoundrel! Scalliwag! Councilman!"

"Ah yes, well, you see -"

"IT WAS SUPPOSED TO TURN INTO BUSCUITS AND COOKIES!!" Rowan shrieked. "I handed it around the tavern, telling everyone that I was working for a magical elf, and if they waited a while, the gold would turn into biscuits and cookies. When it turned into twigs and leaves everyone laughed at me!! I've never been so humiliated in all my life!"

"Not even when you were doing shadow puppets?" I asked.


Quote:>Estvan: Cookies and biscuits? Where are the lowfolk getting their folklore from? It's like they just stand in circles and make things up.
Estvaan: Whilst Adler is distracted try using the scry orb, you then notice the alchemy table where Adler was trying to steam gunpowder. Your mind is boggled
Adler: Explain to Rowan it's always been twigs and leaves.
Rowan: Incoherently scream about cookies and biscuits!
>No self respecting elf would get caught eating biscuits and cookies, that's what the...Red Jolly One eats!

"I don't know where you got your information," I stated, trying to calm the situation. "But it's always been sticks and twigs. Elf-gold never turns into biscuits and cookies, because that's .." I looked around nervously and then whispered "that's Kringle food."


"YOU'RE LYING!!" Rowan screamed. "It has always been biscuits and cookies, all of the stories say so!"

"Madam, one thing elves do not do is lie," I retorted.

"Begorrah, that's a new one on me," Estvan muttered. "Where do they get their elf lore at all at all? Sure they must sit around makin' up tales on winter nights, an then BELIEVIN' em, bedad!"

"What are you doing out here?" I asked him.

"Seems oi'm not permitted in the tower alone," he shrugged. "Before oi was ejected, oi noticed yer wee alchemy set. Sure an oi'd loike to talk to ye about that later, boyo."

"ARE YOU TWO EVEN PAYING ATTENTION??" Rowan screeched. "You've ruined my reputation! How can I ever show my face in that town again? I swear you're more trouble than the pesky rabbits!"

Quote:Gaggle of Lowfolk Men: Curiously you wanted to see where the deranged shadow puppet flozy ran off to, after all she still owes you cookies and biscuits. Rowan appears to be arguing with a very well to do looking woman, ask her if you could braid her hair.


Two strangers poked their heads out from behind a nearby tree.

"That's her," the one in the tricorn hat observed. "The crazy femme from the tavern."

"Who's that little girl she's talking to?" the other one asked. "Do you think that's the elf?"

"HEY!" the first one shouted. "Pardon us for interrupting, but can we braid your hair for luck? It'll only take a few minutes."
The Ballad of Adler Young: Silly furry elf adventure. Read the RECAP:
Steampup: Surreal dog-headed Victorian adventure.  Winterbough Saga Wiki:  Everything we know about Faerie, its history & inhabitants.
See an edited recap of Zandar's Saga, and new pages at my Patreon.  Peruse original music at Bandcamp.
*Adorable plum-munching Mavis avatar by the incomparable Tronn.

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