The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5

The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
RE: The Ballad of Adler Young, Canto 2.5
>Rowan: You are excellent in getting people's attention, you can get people drunk at the tavern and convince them to sign on to Adler's campaign while they're too out of it to refuse. You used to do the same thing tricking people into joining O'Daisies' mercenary outfit while your father's business was partnered with hers. And if all that fails, you can just drop a few references to how fabulously wealthy your father is. Er, was... Definitely 'was' and not 'is'...
>Estvan: Okay, enough is enough. Granted, she is a potential asset, but if she wants to be included in this, she needs to tell the whole story right now, or take a hike.
>Rowan: Your bizarre story fluctuates wildly and erratically. It's obvious you're just saying what you think they want to hear. A person would have to be a complete doofus to believe your story. You are *VERY* bad at lying.
>Adler: It's obvious she's under duress or she wouldn't be telling such blatant lies. In the most gentlest of ways, let her know that you can't help her if you don't have the real picture.
>Rowan: Start to feel bad. Lying to someone that hopelessly smitten is like kicking a puppy. Come clean. You only told them half the truth. Your family did indeed lose a fortune when all the trees disappeared and O'Daises fled, but they were able to bounce back by claiming what was left of the Duchess's resources. You did indeed cause a scandal when you tried to pursue your dream of dabbling in the oldest profession: shadow puppets. Your parents kicked you out in shame and embarrassment and told you not to come back until you get a real job and learn how to properly invest money. Your parents aren't heartless, though, so they gave you a fair amount of spending money to keep you fed and out of the cold. You left a bunch of things out and exaggerated your plight because you though it would increase your chances of getting a wish.
>Trees: One of the reasons her father agreed to help you, was because if he didn't warn the Duchess of the impending danger, he could claim all her industries for himself.
>Sam: Shadow puppets? You were expecting something different... Also, it is very unwise to cross the Duchess. Her family will need protection. And what better protection than Adler's soon-to-be army?
>Rowan: If it gets you back the lifestyle you're accustomed to, you'll sign on! You'll go to the local tavern and while everyone is drunk you'll inspire them to arms with a politically fueled shadow puppet show. It worked all the time for the Duchess's mercenaries.
>Estvan: This girl is weird...

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