Cent's Yuenyeung [ Too Much Tea, Not Enough Coffee ]

Cent's Yuenyeung [ Too Much Tea, Not Enough Coffee ]
RE: I Will Reply
Lmao hey

you've reached jazzmon. idk where brooklyn is at but you've probs got just as fuckall clue where kiawah island is yeah? us bugs resident on Ocean Course had this intranet set up by cutter's grandqueen some way back when. cutter blesst be he in the sporethroes climbed his stem three spring tides ago, i dunno if it was him or Glidant you were hopin to talk to but yeah. soz if that comes as a shock or sad bad news but thats par for the course yknow? i stepped up to the sysdamin role after cutter took his last clamber and im still learning the ropes but yeah. i checked cutter's records and Glidant got rl steamed that some city bug had got his email n figured it was gonna be easier to just set up Glidant up with a new one and just. keep the old one you ended up msging in case there was somethin important? im sorry that like. lettin you know that happened wasn't on his list but hey at least i got to see it! sure i ain't been around much like Glidant did in his younger years so my life probs aint too exciting for you to hear about but it's still kinda cool ig for me to make a random connection like this? idk even if cutter wouldve msg'd you back if you had replied while he was still around as sysadmin n keepin half an eye on Glidant's og email. Well i say og but accordin to cutter Glidant got himself in this mess near once every long chill lmao. dude kept forgettin we had limited inter-network bandwidth n wasted it all lookin up hot pillbug gifs. guess ol gliddy kept signin up to weird mailin lists to get his gif on and mayb thats where you got his address? who the eff knows tho tbh. but uh yeah glidant? cool guy. sad to say tho if you were hopin to talk to him none of us in Ocean Course know where hes at exactly. dude went off on another one of his expeditions, actually lookin back thru the hole 11 msg board he was off to the beach? One of Flimsy's sprats (note to self: get those kids their own device set up before next long chill) posted on here saying Glidant told em he was off to the 'pod races down at boardwalk 40. Wild if tru. 

jeez this got long my b. but yeah Glidant's a rl interesting dude but doesn't really get tech as a way of stayin in touch much. idk when he'll next be back on the Course but if you wanted to know more about him then maybe shoot me some questions n i could like? ask him when he next stops by? or yknow get one of the hole 11 locals to ask for me cuz its a bit of a hike for a cicada nymph like myself. don't be a stranger yeah?


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RE: I Will Reply - by Myeth - 12-13-2018, 03:31 PM
RE: I Will Reply - by Xindaris - 12-13-2018, 04:18 PM
RE: I Will Reply - by kilozombie - 12-13-2018, 11:58 PM
RE: I Will Reply - by Xindaris - 12-16-2018, 03:57 AM
RE: I Will Reply - by Ten11 - 12-14-2018, 08:35 AM
RE: I Will Reply - by AABowser - 12-14-2018, 01:37 PM
RE: I Will Reply - by kilozombie - 12-15-2018, 08:03 AM
RE: I Will Reply - by AABowser - 12-15-2018, 09:22 PM
RE: I Will Reply - by Numbers - 12-15-2018, 11:55 PM
RE: I Will Reply - by kilozombie - 12-16-2018, 09:43 PM
RE: I Will Reply - by Xindaris - 12-18-2018, 04:34 AM
RE: I Will Reply - by Schazer - 12-17-2018, 12:31 PM
RE: I Will Reply - by AABowser - 12-17-2018, 01:42 PM
RE: I Will Reply - by Ten11 - 12-24-2018, 11:37 AM
RE: I Will Reply - by kilozombie - 07-25-2019, 06:36 AM
RE: I Will Reply - by Ten11 - 07-25-2019, 12:48 PM
RE: I Will Reply - by Schazer - 07-27-2019, 10:42 PM
RE: I Will Reply - by kilozombie - 07-30-2019, 05:19 AM
RE: I Will Reply - by Ten11 - 07-31-2019, 08:39 AM
RE: I Will Reply - by kilozombie - 10-23-2019, 01:01 AM
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RE: I Will Reply - by probablyASalamander - 10-31-2019, 02:22 AM
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RE: I Will Reply - by AABowser - 10-31-2019, 08:47 PM
RE: I Will Reply - by Ten11 - 11-01-2019, 09:51 AM
RE: I Will Reply - by kilozombie - 11-05-2019, 07:52 PM
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RE: I Will Reply - by AABowser - 11-09-2019, 10:13 AM
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RE: I Will Reply - by kilozombie - 11-13-2019, 04:15 AM
RE: I Will Reply - by AABowser - 11-14-2019, 03:44 PM
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RE: I Will Reply - by Ten11 - 11-16-2019, 10:16 AM
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RE: I Will Reply - by Ten11 - 11-26-2019, 02:07 AM
RE: I Will Reply - by probablyASalamander - 11-26-2019, 05:46 PM
RE: I Will Reply - by kilozombie - 11-27-2019, 01:54 AM
RE: I Will Reply - by probablyASalamander - 11-27-2019, 04:37 AM
RE: I Will Reply - by AABowser - 11-28-2019, 02:27 AM
RE: I Will Reply - by Ten11 - 12-03-2019, 12:16 PM
RE: I Will Reply - by kilozombie - 12-04-2019, 02:58 AM
RE: I Will Reply - by AABowser - 12-05-2019, 06:04 AM
RE: I Will Reply - by Ten11 - 12-10-2019, 07:01 AM
RE: I Will Reply - by kilozombie - 12-11-2019, 07:27 AM
RE: I Will Reply - by AABowser - 12-14-2019, 06:36 AM
RE: I Will Reply - by kilozombie - 12-17-2019, 04:15 AM
RE: I Will Reply - by Ten11 - 12-18-2019, 02:35 AM
RE: Cent's Yuenyeung - by kilozombie - 12-18-2019, 06:55 AM
RE: Cent's Yuenyeung - by AABowser - 12-22-2019, 02:06 PM
RE: Cent's Yuenyeung - by Our Lady of Lampreys - 12-23-2019, 02:00 AM
RE: Cent's Yuenyeung - by kilozombie - 12-25-2019, 06:28 AM
RE: Cent's Yuenyeung - by Ten11 - 01-01-2020, 01:10 AM
RE: Cent's Yuenyeung - by kilozombie - 01-01-2020, 05:00 AM
RE: Cent's Yuenyeung - by AABowser - 01-06-2020, 07:21 AM
RE: Cent's Yuenyeung - by Ten11 - 01-07-2020, 11:35 AM
RE: Cent's Yuenyeung - by kilozombie - 01-08-2020, 07:05 AM
RE: Cent's Yuenyeung - by kilozombie - 02-09-2020, 07:34 AM