Godhood XIV - Usurper [Honey Edition Turn 3]

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Godhood XIV - Usurper [Honey Edition Turn 3]
RE: Godhood XIV - Usurper [Honey Edition Turn 2]
Nash-Marr just watches, marvels, and begins to understand. Being a beast inclined to waxing prosaic and getting entangled in adjective, all the little details - the meshing of mundane, multipurpose gears that built up this universe and many others, Nash-Marr's included - failed to interest him. Sure, there were times such a list could be interesting, but when if ever had a list been the basis for a good story? Was listing a hero's great achievements a story? Naming the world's highest peaks? Flying to all the stars in the sky, for the simple sake of checking them off one by one?

Nash-Marr wrapped a contrite tail round his legs, as though he were being scolded anew and not as a pup in his memories. Of course those weren't stories. They were like pups - they belonged out of sight, out of mind, out of narrative unless you had some need for them; if that were the case, trot them out and be done with it.

Nash-Marr felt this way about all these discussions between the gods, tweaking Seriba and the Atrium until life might survive there. The Hound wasn't all that inclined to try with this "life" nonsense, there was already quite enough to be getting on with for a young god.

Seriba has no moon, which seems a rather disappointing state of affairs for the Hound. He finds some point in space where the planet retreats to a comfortable distance, but where the tug on Nash-Marr's hair is still the domain of Seriba, not the sun.

Nash-Marr wants a moon, and from some reserves he does not understand he finds one, almost as beautiful as he perceived it in his mind. The moon is small, the moon is bright, the moon is made of translucent rock. Nash-Marr was aiming for a perfectly cut gemstone to hang in the night sky - what he's got is spherical (from most angles), and its facets reflecting prismatic bars across Seriba's surface are (mostly) (roughly) symmetrical, but Nash-Marr's picking and fussing at it fails to raise it to the diamond standard he desires.

He stops his fidgeting long enough to ease it along its new path, doing his best to gift it a stable orbit through space. Anxious but a bit pleased with himself, he finishes it off with a hollow core - a cavity no greater in diameter than a quarter of the moon's, but the better to toss stray beams upon Seriba. It's the ambition of the God of Tales that one day, someone might glance up at his beautiful moon and spin a hundred fantastical tales, to outshine the dozen he wove of his own world's nondescript rock.

Nash-Marr has made a small, translucent, crystal moon for Seriba. The moon has a stable orbit, a hollow core, and casts stray beams of light upon the planet's surface. -4 Acts

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RE: Godhood XIV - Usurper [Honey Edition Turn 2] - by Schazer - 03-23-2013, 09:59 AM